Gps tracking

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ceebee2, Sep 17, 8:40pm
Well there you go.

motorboy2011, Sep 17, 8:58pm
I got my excess wiped. was quite strange ringing insurance at 9am in the morn and saying "my car got stolen last night" followed by "I have it back now though"

topzone, Sep 17, 9:05pm
What a load of bollocks !
The thief will switch on the signal blocker and leave it on,steal the vehicle take it back to wherever and remove the tracking device,job done !

motorboy2011, Sep 17, 9:11pm
assuming he has a gps blocker, and a gsm blocker, and has disconnected the battery and had found + disabled the hidden siren. good luck. Nothing is impossable, but good luck.

topzone, Sep 17, 9:16pm
Sorry Motorboy for being a bit tetchy,but I aminvolved in the electronics industry.

topzone, Sep 17, 9:18pm
Motorboy fyi,all you need to do is block the cell signal not the GPS signal,
Any skilled person could find the tracker unit quickly, and drop it in a bucket of water.

topzone, Sep 17, 9:26pm

motorboy2011, Sep 17, 9:59pm
yes but blocking the signal isnt going to stop the siren going when a door is opened is it! The siren which for arguments sake we say is in a place which requires the wheel to be removed and the inner guard to be taken off, ie unboltedso there is no way thats being found. Oh wait, lets just tow the car! lets smash the window so we dont need open a door and climb in and tow it! Smart thinking agent 99. Care toguess what releasing my hand brake or taking the car out of park does! Hello siren. This of course is above just installing the gps but its not hard to have it all rigged up.

smac, Sep 17, 10:16pm
The thing is the reason gps trackers are taking off is because nobody takes any notice of sirens.but now we're saying the backup to the gps is a siren.

Personally I think they're a great idea, but at the end of the day it's just stuff. If you don't want to lose it, don't park it where it can be stolen, or if you can't afford to lose it, insure it.

motorboy2011, Sep 17, 10:52pm
totally agree. What I really want to do is actually try a jammer and see how well it works at blocking the signal on my system. Of course its illegal to import them

trdbzr, Sep 17, 11:06pm
A very loud and well hidden internal siren.

topzone, Sep 18, 12:28am
The whole point is GPS tracking systems are not infallible, so dont think for one moment that it is a fail safe system.
Personaly if I had a car that I really cared about there are two options.
1/ Carbon based = Pitbull
2/ Silicone based = A very good and loud alarm with a pager,a GPS tracking system,and then (yes) another GPS tracking system.

My vehicles are late model and fully insured, so I don't bother with any further security measures.
Best of luck protecting your car,andfull credit to you, but nothing is impossible for the type of vehicle targeted and stolen to order.

thewomble1, Sep 18, 3:01am
When I installed mine I inquired about discount and STATE said NO. What insurance company says YES!

thewomble1, Sep 18, 3:08am
GPS won't stop your car being stolen but can help finding it. Hopefully before it is wrecked etc. Get those personal things back that are in the boot.

thewomble1, Sep 26, 10:21pm
Would mean that the signal blocker would have to be left ON 24/365 or 366 to keep blocking the signal. I don't think the thieves would do that.

horsepower7, Sep 27, 4:02am
sounds like too much hard work stealing a car! haha. i dont park mine where i think it wont be safe. id cry if i lost my car haha

trade4us2, Sep 27, 4:45am
Then consider a screamer alarm that goes off when it detects a signal blocker.

n1smo_gtir, Sep 27, 5:04am
Unless your car is a stolen to order most thieves out there don't have much tools beyond a screwdriver, vice grips, pliers and a brick. Most are opportunist thieves.