RB20 E single cam. Can valve stem seals and a rattley tappit be replaced without taking head off thanks
Sep 14, 10:35pm
can valve stem seals and a rattley tappit be replaced without taking head off! thanks.
Sep 14, 11:05pm
No valve stem seals can not be done in place.
Sep 15, 2:47am
they can be done in place although it can be a tricky job best done by experienced mechanic
Sep 15, 4:08am
how might an experienced mechanic do this.no Im not one
Sep 15, 4:22am
Probably best you leave it alone then.You need compressed air, an adapter to fill the cylinders with air and a special valve spring compressor, and a thorough understanding of engine valve timing and crank and cam positioning relative to each other. Oh and a lot of patience.
Sep 15, 4:54am
Stupid thing it's prob cheaper to replace the whole motor
Sep 15, 3:45pm
thanks very much guys.I will leave it alone then
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