Installing daytime LED running light

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ceebee2, Sep 14, 4:57pm
Precisely what I meant

_peas, Sep 14, 5:24pm
Nothing wrong with suggesting an alternative solution and possibly stop someone devaluing their car with a bodged installation on something that it doesn't need.If you want to be seen during the day then drive with your lights on.Cost you nothing on install or parts.

bae13, Sep 14, 5:34pm
They maybe gay as some one has said but fitted correctly they are idiot proofIf idiots forget to turn their lights on during dusk/ low visibilityus more intelligent folk will see them, lol

bigfatmat1, Sep 14, 5:58pm
I wire them to park. This way they don't come back on with high beam. if wired to low beam on some makes and models. Also You can buy voltage sensitive ones these only need batt and park light feeds to operate save finding ignition sources. phillips make a good set of these. Also you can buy a special relay that will dim when park lights are on so they can be on all the time.

n1smo_gtir, Sep 14, 8:35pm
alternatives are fine but plainly calling them gay is hardly solution would you not agree!

n1smo_gtir, Sep 14, 8:38pm
exactly. And if one forgot to turn off headlights your battery be too flat to start if you parked, off to work and back to car at 6pm:p where as less don't drain anywhere near as much power.

whqqsh, Sep 14, 8:41pm
maybe not but it looks like truth hurts

aragorn2003, Sep 14, 8:45pm
What's a yous!

gunhand, Sep 14, 8:48pm
Personally anything that makes you more visable can only be a good thing. They seem to suit some cars netter than others. I think placement also helps to stop making them look tacky on some cars. You certainly see them a long way off.