Car battery problem. Ok here is the saga i have a rav 4 purchased a battery from beaurepaires jan 2010while in tauranga today ca

impressions, Sep 26, 12:59am
O.K. Here is the saga.
I have a Rav 4.
Purchased a battery from Beaurepaires Jan 2010.
While in Tauranga today, car wouldn't turn over.
Rang AA, got it going only to turn it off & not start again.
Purchased new battery from AA, great got home.
Called into Beaurepaires & talked to them about battery, was told they only last 2 years. What!
Left it there for him to try & charge overnight.
Not that it is of any use to me.
He told me something else was draining the battery for it to be that dead.
Possible answers please.

bmc460, Sep 26, 1:08am
Leave key off and remove positive lead then touch battery terminal with lead and if it sparks then it is drawing power somewere.

mantagsi, Sep 26, 1:11am
Nope! You shouldn't test like that.

Not the best idea, as things such as ECU and alarm if fitted will cause this to happen (the sparks). Do it properly and put an ammeter in series with the battery, and if the current draw seems abnormally high, start pulling fuses one by one (replace after each removal!) and see what circuit is drawing excess current. If fault found, take steps to remedy.

scarey65, Sep 26, 1:14am
depends what battery is was,heavy duty , premium
is the car used oftenblah blahall factors,short runsoverchargingall effect battery life,betchais a exide batterylol

tandj3, Sep 26, 1:17am
Alternator! that was the prob with my old car when battery kept dying, don't know anything else sorry!

bmc460, Sep 26, 1:25am
Oh ok i just work on old stuff.Good to know.

wellyguynz, Sep 26, 3:09am
hey an even better idear, open up the battery vents and use a match to check the battery levels

wellyguynz, Sep 26, 3:12am
First thing is to get a multimeter and check if the battery is being charged should b around 14.4 volts while the vehical is running, also take nthe battery in to an auto electrician or battery supplier get them to charge it and perform a load test

scarey65, Sep 26, 3:21am
how about youve got a new battery
the old one buggeredout of warranty

move on.

johnf_456, Sep 26, 3:28am
Bad advice, you will always have current draw the clock, power feed to radio (keeps clock and memory alive etc), ecu, trans ecu if applicable, alarm. The list goes on, use a ammeter

gtf, Sep 26, 3:36am
Enjoy the new battery for the next 2-3 years - hopefully the AA one will last longer than your last brand!

m16d, Sep 26, 3:48am
If you can blow it up in 2 years it could be overcharging.
Check it with a voltmeter when it's running and go from there.

a.woodrow, Sep 26, 3:50am
2 1/2 years isn't abnormal for batteries these days, I would say that is a reasonable service life (admittedly at the shorter end of the scale)

bmc460, Sep 26, 3:58am
Oh ok. Had battery go flat in dodge hiline and it got no radio or clock but i found smoke fling out of starter,fuse boxes were bad in them for sarting fires.

johnf_456, Sep 26, 4:03am
Good old yank cars eh, I have a older yank car myself fun times.