Car Battery Charge Level

atenza3, Mar 5, 12:53am
So my car battery was dead this morning when I went to start it (I had the radio going all day yesterday when I was cleaning it. So there is a guide on the battery stating what the different colored hydormeter indicators mean. I can't read it because it in Japanese but anyway I assume green means it's good, red means it needs charging and white means it's F*^ked.

So I looked at the indicator on the battery the circle was white with like a red line through the middle. Anyway I charged the battery. The color of the circle was still white with the red line but if i tilted the battery the circle would become green but as soon as you put it level again the circle is white. I tried to start the car and it started first go.

So my question is the battery stuffed or not! It will be interesting to see if it starts again tomorrow. Also prior to it going flat the car was particularly hard to that it would take a long (say 5-10secs) turn on the ignition for the car to start up so was wondering if that could be due to the battery.

atenza3, Jun 17, 2:41am
it is a 12 volt battery.the water level in it is fine (although it doesn't appear that it can be opened to refill if it needed it)