Does an altezza take unleaded ?

dragontales, Oct 12, 10:47pm
i dont know lol

dragontales, Oct 12, 10:53pm
91 or 96 ! or does it not matter

phillip.weston, Oct 12, 10:56pm
all fuel here in NZ is now 'unleaded' with the super leaded fuel being phased out in the mid 90s. 96 octane has also been replaced by 95 octane 5+ years ago. What rock have you been living under!

I would run it on 95 at a minimum, preferably 98 octane as the Altezza was initially designed to run on 100 octane which is readily available in Japan.

morrisman1, Oct 12, 10:57pm
You're kidding me right! Thats like asking if my sentra will run on lignite

dragontales, Oct 12, 10:57pm
see told you i didnt know lol, i have always used 91 so wasnt quite sure what the other one was as ive never needed, but thanks phillip

rustihammer, Oct 12, 10:58pm

dragontales, Oct 12, 10:58pm
should add always used 91 in all previous cars i have owned not the altezza

dragontales, Oct 12, 10:59pm
man you guys are harsh

phillip.weston, Oct 12, 11:04pm
I hope that all your previous cars have been basic vehicles which are meant to run on 91.

ninja_man, Oct 13, 12:14am
use 95, should be fine on that. 98 is a bit over the top for an altezza.

phillip.weston, Oct 13, 12:28am
Well, we don't know what engine she has in her Altezza, 95 would be alright for the 6cyl but the Beams 4cyl would run best on 98 considering it squeezes out over 100hp per litre.

dragontales, Oct 13, 12:47am
its the beams 4 cylinder, have only had it a day :)

alimac1, Oct 13, 1:09am
it will run like shite on 91. 95 minimum, 98 is better

dragontales, Oct 13, 1:20am
thank you alimac

dragontales, Oct 14, 12:57am
thank you very much, the only reason i didnt know is because ive driven the same car for the last 10 years and before that was all unleaded run carstoo, and have never needed to know or think about the other petrol, just wanted to be sure

alimac1, Oct 14, 2:55am
The 3SGE 4 cylinder won't run oth cost around the same on 91. 98 and 95worked down to cents per km. 1GFE 6 cylinder will run on 91. I can't comment on economy for the 1GFE, as mine is a 3SGE

suplyuparts, Oct 14, 4:21am
just run it on 95.

trdbzr, Oct 14, 4:26am
Run it on 95, preferable 98. I have always run all my cars on 98. Sure it does cost more but you do get more power and it also works out to be economical in the long run.

dragontales, Oct 17, 11:38pm
thanks i filled it up with 95, we dont have 98 here

edangus, Dec 31, 12:57pm
Well my 2JZ (3.0ltr 6 cyl) runs nicely on either. If I am open road traveling though I prefer to use 95+, but as its normally used for school runs and a shopping trolley 91 suffices.