Indicator/ headlight switch thing?

stinkydog1, Oct 2, 9:06pm
the switch to indicate and turn on the headlights in my car has come out of place (87 VL commodore) i wont lock when i indicate and i have to hold it im going to get a new one but can any one tell me if it has to be the same one from another commodore similar or can i get one out of a different model car like a VY model! or a nissan or something, as long as it's got the same instruments on it! cheers

ceebee2, Oct 2, 9:14pm
Try the holden wreckers

stinkydog1, Oct 2, 9:18pm
yeah im going to but i would like to know if can use one out of a different car instead! cheers

supernova2, Oct 2, 9:46pm
If you want "plug and play" you need the same item.If you want, and know how, to change plugs, wires, brackets etc etc then just get any old thing from anywhere.B est suggestion a Holden wrecker who should be able to supply the part you "need" no matter what it came from.

monaro17, Oct 2, 9:52pm
I'm 80% sure the indicator stalks were the same from the VB right through VC VH VK. The VL was different so best go for another VL one . But no you couldn't/shouldn't use VN onwards or another brand.

stinkydog1, Oct 2, 10:24pm
ok cheers for that guys