Need Rear right seatbelt for Toyota Corona 89

soulnsurf, Sep 26, 11:18pm
Need rear right retractable seatbelt for wof, corona station wagon st171. Could anyone please help!! Thanks

andrea_w, Sep 26, 11:33pm
Err. have you looked on here! The message boards aren't the buy/sell section of this site.
Or any of your local wreckers!
Or Toyota specific wreckers!

soulnsurf, Sep 26, 11:40pm
yes, sorry was desperation, have made about 30 phone calls and no luck. last ditch attempt

andrea_w, Sep 26, 11:46pm
30 calls!! Wow Toyota parts being rare. who would have thought haha
I'm not sure myself but someone out there may know. I wonder if there are any other Toyotas of that vintage that share the same belt .!

intrade, Sep 26, 11:47pm
google pickapart

gadgit3, Sep 26, 11:54pm
Have you tried Repco for an autoliv belt! there normaly only round the $150 mark

soulnsurf, Sep 27, 12:06am
yup, tried repco, 300 was quoted, same price as car, only need it for the wof, tried pickapart, again not much luck, think ill have more luck finding gold!

intrade, Sep 27, 12:07am
there is a st171 listed at pickapart, so you went and the belt had gone!

intrade, Sep 27, 12:08am
ps the car is worth 1500$ with a wof 300 is scrap metal value these daysand good cars cost 8 grand upwards.

soulnsurf, Sep 27, 12:13am
there is a st171 listed at pickapart

where! i looked at hamilton branch and there was none, they dont dismantle and send,no phone, you have to go in.

intrade, Sep 27, 12:15am
4/9/2012 Corrolla St171r - 1990 - Red 4door Sedan - Petrol - Manual 2000cc stocklist hamilton call em up ar see if somone been thereas there lists are unfortunately not updated propperly i was told

soulnsurf, Sep 27, 12:19am
"Corrolla St171r - 1990 - Red 4door Sedan - Petrol - Manual 2000cc stocklist hamilton call em up ar see if somone been there as there lists are unfortunately not updated propperly i was told"

thanks, but its a station wagon, not the sedan, where the seatbelt goes over the back seat into the boot panel

soulnsurf, Sep 27, 12:21am
also its a corona, not carolla :)

kazbanz, Sep 27, 2:59am
Op you need to do some lateral thinking. Given its an older car
remove the entire seatbelt unit including if possible the female part of the buckle.
go to a wrecker and see if they can match up -even if it means having to fit a new femal buckle into the car.
A GOOD knowledgeable wrecker should be able to supply you webbing that a seatbelt specialist can wind onto your housing.

magoo2, Sep 27, 3:46am
Have you failed a WOF!Can you swap the right belt for the left!. They will hopefully only recheck the belt that failed. Then you have 6 months to fix it before the next WOF

jmma, Sep 27, 4:54am
Not good advice )o:

lopper, Sep 30, 10:59pm
Did you get this sorted! I have a 86 Toyota 2000 sedan laid up, which I'm never going to restore!