Hi, I was wanting to know if anyone has had a CVT transmission! I want to purchase a 2001 Nissan that has CVT but i have heard really bad things about them like they will crap out after 5 years or after 100,000k and they are really expensive to fix if they crap out and that they need CVT oil and not ordinary oil and most mechanics dont have this and just use normal oil which then will make the car stop working! That you shouldnt plan to have a CVT transmission car for a long period of time (my previous car i owned for 10 years and would like to do the same for my next car) and that i would be better off just getting an automatic transmission. I just dont get it, if the CVT has all these issues then why do people put them in cars! I know you save petrol but then wouldnt all this savings from petrol go towards fixing all the issues withe CVT!
Would anyone recommend a CVT! Would appreciate any input.
Sep 27, 4:28pm
what you heard is correct.
Sep 27, 4:32pm
question is do you need a automatic, thats the first real question to clear!
Sep 27, 4:37pm
Buy a manual learn how to 'drive'
Sep 27, 4:51pm
CVTs are good if well maintained and treated properly ( service every 20,000km or so, and no towing ). It is unlikely there would be professional mechanics who would not know the correct oil to put in them these days, and the oil has become a lot cheaper than it used to be. The Nissan cvts that were in the first Bluebird 1996 on did have more issues, but I believe that the 2001 on Primera etc. were much improved. If you look at the number of new vehicles around that come with a CVT transmission, they can't be such a bad thing.
Sep 27, 4:58pm
1.'Floscey' - How do you know that what i said was correct! Have you had a bad experiance with them! 2. 'Intrade' - Yes i need an Automatic. 3.'Chebry' - I do know how to 'drive' i just want to 'drive' an automatic 4.'Cpnnz' - Thanks for this answer. I did hear some Toyota guy say that they 'CVT's will be the transmission of the future' so i was thinking well how come if they have so many issues.
Sep 27, 5:04pm
Automated manuals like trucks use will be the transmission of the future CVT is an ancient idea revived.
Sep 27, 5:08pm
they are good so long as they are serviced regularly.very expensive to repair if box craps itself.the Jap's probably don't have many problems with cvt .because they don't keep them long enough,Most modern cars are throw away items ,with a definite use by date.
Sep 27, 5:12pm
What is the vehicle you are concidering exactly! The earlier Nissan CVT transmissions did give issues but they have been learning from their mistakes.Honda did the same in the Honda Fit. There are some fables created around CVT in general as a result here are some facts. 1) Nissan Primera,lafesta,wingroad cvt transmissions are required to be serviced at 60000km or 10 years. whichever is sooner. (Nissan japan service requirement) 2)YES you must use the correct CVT oil. I must ellaborate on that.You wouldn't put car oil in a diesel or four stroke oil in a two stroke or 30/40 oil in a modern VVTI engine. So why on earth would anyone put "normal" transmission oil into a CVT box! Thats just stupidity. I genuinely feel that most of the issues with CVT transmissions NOWADAYS comes down to lack of correct servicing. All that said -If buying a higher KM CVT car I would still take a MBI
Sep 27, 5:40pm
Hi Kazbanz - what is a MBI! I have been speaking with a CVT professional from CVT NZ who has basically said what you have said and also in regards to someone telling me that people can take CVT transmissions out of cars and put in manuel gearboxes. Thanks for the feedback (and also to the rest). Here is what he had to say Don't believe what you hear and what people tell you about CVT. If the CVT transmission was not reliable car manufacturers wouldn't use it. From 2015 all vehicle brands in the world are going to use the CVT transmission. Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Suzuki, Subaru, Hyundai etc are already using CVT transmissions in most of their cars. The failures of the CVT's are mostly caused by lack of service and workshops using the wrong oil. And it is not possible to convert a CVT car to an Manual because you have to change all computers, Wiring looms etc. and there is not a manual transmission available for most of the Nissan Models.
Sep 27, 6:10pm
MBI is mechanical breakdown insurance commonly called (incorrectly)A warranty.
Sep 27, 6:12pm
in saying that many other manufacturers are avoiding cvts because they are not reliable enough in the long term especialy if not treated right and maintenance costs on them are to high so lots of reasons to avoid one and not many to purchase one
Sep 27, 6:43pm
Spot on! Make sure before you buy take it for a long test drive.
Sep 27, 6:45pm
I had two cvt primeras. 00 Nissan and 04 Niissan. 1st one I had 4 years. Went perfect!. 04 Was buggered before we even bought it. Replaced under dealer warrenty. Still going fine now to the guy we sold to.
Sep 27, 7:03pm
Ignoring people with heavy metal who is avoiding CVT!
Sep 27, 7:09pm
Who are the manufactures avoiding CVT !
Sep 27, 7:21pm
ford and many other european car makers are using dsg after not being able to get a reliable cvt edited to say we will have to wait and see if dsg is more reliable but so far it is a way better transmission
Sep 27, 7:29pm
Heard lots of horror stories about VW DSG gearboxes.
Sep 27, 7:37pm
Im in the Auto trade ,but have never owned a cvt or ever will. Spoken to a couple of Transmission guys, who werent very kind in the opinion of the CVT but rapped with the money they bring with them.
Sep 27, 7:46pm
post 248 we find out the problem has nothing to do with the transmission the whole thread got hijacked by people trying to piss jazz of and ended up having nothing to do with op query
Yeah Audi put heaps of power thru their Multitronic (CVT) They were going to adapt it for the quattros but I don't know if they've done that yet. I doubt Audi would bother with crap transmissions.they have plenty of options. Actually drove sil's well maintained Primera with CVT recently.I was surprised at how pleasant it was compared to what I expected after everything I've read here.
Sep 27, 9:10pm
Hmmmmmmmmm.I feel that in some cases auto trans guys give the impressions that the world will stop turning without them.They give the impression that an auto (no matter what sort) is a box of mystery.Its not its simply a collection of mechanical componets that have to be serviced from time to time and used within the design paramiters.It could be a TV a fridge, a lawnmower, a pushbike; you will always get a group of people who say bad things about a particular brand/model.
I believe with CVt it all comes down to regular mtce/servicing,They are one of the few things on modern cars that you can't just ignore for ever.I know of one particular Nissan 4WDCVT that blew up 3 times.Didn't understand that as it was a 4WD you couldn't tow it ondolly either. Thought that strange but then found out that the owner had also destroyed two clutches in their other car a Ford Seiara.I was asked to service the Ford as it had no "get up and go".Nothing wrong with it so got owner to drive it to show me when the problem occured.Turned out that the idiot wife never took the handbrake off.Yes thats right she drove everywhere with the handbrake on full.Would you then say that the CVt was a bad tranny - obviously not.
Sep 27, 9:12pm
What actually is CVT.I know how it works,i have a Nissan with it and have no problems,but How does it differ to other units.
Sep 27, 9:16pm
i take back everything i said. They are great, go and buy one .someone told me i was wrong and they are good 2 go.
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