i know what my Subaru needs. A horseshoe, love, and 95. Although i filled up with 98 just this week as i had a 10c off discount voucher.
Oct 18, 2:25pm
Well that's inaccurate.
About 10% or more would be turbo - generally designed for 100+ Any toyota with an engine number ending in ge or gte is designed for 100+ Honda's. subarus you name it.
The stat they quote may be more realistic to vehicles sold new in nz as most cars sold here are watered down poverty package versions of their japanese equivalents
Oct 18, 2:26pm
i've used a mix of 30% diesel and 70% 91 oct petrol in the lada and it still run reasonably well ! infact with some simple mod's i recon you could get up to a 70 / 30 blendor more!
Oct 18, 2:36pm
i use 95, and 98 when i can afford it lol.
Oct 18, 2:38pm
95 or 98 preferably for the val.
Oct 18, 2:55pm
I changed from 91 to 95 in my Accord, just seems to run smoother and I get way better mileage.
Oct 18, 3:04pm
I always use 95 in everything, the cars seem to like it better, and I definitely got better mpg, so doesn't work out much more anyway.I don't bother with anything higher, as it didn't seem to make any difference.Even ran my 383 Chev HQ on 95, and it was fine.Read the article, and my real world experience doesn't agree.Admittedly it was several years back when I compared the mpg in the same car, across several tankfulls of gas.
Oct 18, 3:10pm
Oops - almost everything - if its a new(ish) car, then I use whatever the manufacturer recommends.However, none of my cars are anywhere near new.
Oct 18, 3:52pm
lol have to use 98 in the 1600 stupid ecu
Oct 18, 4:03pm
meh, I trialled 95 over 91, no appreciable improvement in economy or performance so just stick the cheaper one in.
I do use 95 in the toy car though (warmed up early 70's V8).
Oct 18, 4:07pm
Oct 18, 4:08pm
I use 95 but only because I have the ignition timing far forwards of what it is meant to be. 91 didnt pink but I want to keep a better safety margin
Oct 18, 4:23pm
you are wrong. you'll get the same mileage out of either.
the difference is the octane rating. higher octane (95) has more stability under pressure (won't explode without spark). most compression ratios around 9:1 are fine with 91.
like the guy says above - if it doesn't pink (pre-ignite) then you are fine using it.
Oct 18, 4:56pm
My Gti6 is designed to run on 95 or 97 in the UK. It's got a knock sensor so can theoretically run on anything.
I've noticed it'll pink slightly when pulling away at low RPM on 95 before the knock sensor tells the ECU to pull spark out of it. I don't notice this when running 98. Also, I seem to get slightly better mileage on 98 as well, which negates about half of the extra cost of using 98.
In the Lotus it's 98 all the way, that's what we've tuned it for. Anything less and it's bad news.
The Jag runs 98 with a part-mix of Avgas. On 95 the car will barely run. On 98 it'll run but pink heavily. with a bit of Avgas (8L per tankful) it runs as sweet as a nut.
Oct 18, 4:58pm
Simple you run what the engine is designed for
Oct 18, 5:12pm
no need to get your tits in a tangle
Oct 18, 5:36pm
My merc I could notice that I had to put my foot down more on 91 and it used more fuel on 91 than 96, enough to be able to notice not being able to make it work on the same amount of gas for the whole week. Did the fill her up and drive till fuel light came on in V6 Telstar then fill her up again, did it a couple of times with each fuel and got 50-60km per tank more on 95 than I did on 91, Ive not even tried running my Fairmont on 91.
Oct 18, 5:56pm
no. iz jus tling yu nt 2 git yr tits ina tngle
Oct 18, 6:05pm
98 where possible - direct injection and who knows how much carbon build up means it isn't even happy on 95 all the time.
Oct 18, 6:43pm
SEE!my lada will dam near run on any thing that'll burn!so when your out in siberia touring the salt mines, and all you can get is 76 octane fuel, i'll give you a toot and wave bye bye as i cruise past using my eco friendly air/con.HA HA HA HAad firnitum.
Oct 18, 6:56pm
Our octane ratings are not necessarily the same as those used elsewhere.
Oct 18, 7:49pm
I try to use 98 but i have moved somewhere further away from a BP station so switched to 95. Anyone know of any other servos that sell 98!
In my experience: The difference is noticeable in how the engine runs in a 91 compared with 95/98 comparison. In the past i have noticed some 91 rated cars knock on 91 and with 95 or 98 it disappears. As for the economy it is better with 95/98 fuel, but not so much better that higher octane fuel works out cheaper than 91. Have also noticed that sometimes you get a crap batch of fuel with 91 and have never had this with 95/98.
Oct 18, 8:04pm
Mobil sells 98 in some locations
Oct 18, 9:21pm
98 turbo subaru. 95 in my falcon and valiant.
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