Steering Rack .

trader_84, Oct 12, 9:01pm
I have this LHD steering rack that I brought in from the US. It is a S3 Jaguar type. I have water blasted the crap out of it and it now looks mint. It will be awhile before it put into service and I know I have probably got water into it. I want to flush it through with clean steering fluid prior to sticking it away. I have a S3 Jag steering pump/reservoir setup from off a kiwi car. The line end fittings look to be the same as the American sourced one. Can I just hook the two up and figure out a way of spinning the pulley to circulate clean oil through the rack assembly or is there another way to achieve the same. I??

NZTools, Oct 12, 10:16pm
Make sure the inlet and outlet pipes are emersed on powersteering fluid, then pull the rack ends in and out. it will suck fluid through it.

splinter67, Oct 12, 10:18pm
Sounds good to me is there a nut on the end of the pulley if so put a socket on it small extension you should have a big enough drill to fit it in to then bobs your uncle same way we start the lawn mower