Hey, Just purchased a 98 Primera camino wagon off TM 2 weeks ago, had been driving fine but all off a sudden the car stays in neutral when it's put in drive or reverse, it has a cvt transmission, the fluid was very low so bought some cvt fluid and topped it up (as read that can cause the car to not go into gear) but it still won't go into gear. I am going to tow it to mechanics tmrw but just wanted to check if anyone may know why it would all of a sudden do this.
Any ideas!
Thanks heaps in advance
Oct 26, 2:08am
Its poohed itself thats exactly what mine did.
Oct 26, 2:08am
Ouch sounds like maybe stepper motor has died! These seem quite common on these nissan cvt's. How many kms and does it have service history! Hopefully it wasnt reciently serviced with normal trans fluid
Oct 26, 2:18am
dealer or private! auction or classified!
Oct 26, 2:20am
No service history, done 200,000kms, have put cvt fluid from repco in hoping that it would fix it but nope! Engine runs fine but won't go into any gear
Oh well suppose that's why I got it relatively cheap, off to the mechanics
Oct 26, 2:28am
Shes all over rover, $3000 to fix, convert it to a manual, I did a Bluebird for $800
Oct 26, 2:30am
you bought a dog. anyone on here would have told you not to buy one. lesson learnt. move on. nissan cvt are absolute pieces of ****. would never touch one with a barge pole.looking at between 2400-3200 to fix.
Oct 26, 2:39am
Very expensive to fix. Those early Nissan cvt's are pretty much timebombs. You should have only used genuine Nissan NS1 cvt fluid in it. But then again, if someone put in some generic cvt fluid (or god forbid, ATF) at some stage of its life, then its fate was pretty much sealed.
Oct 26, 2:46am
Oct 26, 4:02am
You could convert to manual, you just need the parts and someone to restitch the gearbox mount on the chassis as the CVT ones have it in a different position. It will be cheaper to manual convert it anyway. Is it a black top engine, the neo VVL one or just a standard SR20!
Those CVT trannies are prone to fail when not maintained, or even worse, when maintained incorrectly. If it was maintained as per nissan intended then it probably wouldn't have failed.
Oct 26, 4:36am
yup some dufus has put the wrong fluid in it and wrecked it. There is a crowd in stanmore road that can possibly help you out. Or a guy in Auckland that can send you a new/rebuilt box. Can't mention names as the Nazis will dob me in again. google is your friend.
Oct 26, 2:06pm
Thanks all, will look into it,
Is this something that the seller could have covered up while selling! or is it just very bad timing for me and good timing for the seller!
It had been driving fine for the week we had it, no inditcation of any problems
Oct 26, 2:32pm
A friend of mine took out the CVT trans and put in a normal auto. Took him a day and didn't cost him that much.
Oct 26, 2:43pm
Seller probably had no idea. From memory there is no real serviceable parts, only the changing of oil. They may have 1) Never changed it 2)Used wrong oil. Those boxes are pretty fussy. I got about 80,000 out of mine and then all of a sudden a quiet rattle and no gearbox. The sound was like a wee CV rattle. Ended up putting a second hand SSS Bluebird one in.
Oct 26, 2:52pm
Its quite common steeper motors shitting emselves.Yes usually lack of oil changes kills them
Oct 26, 2:57pm
Thanks for all the good advice
Oct 26, 2:58pm
Well usually if on way out they wont "change gear" properly.Altho they dont really change gear they will hold the revs longer in each step. They judder alot as they wear out. But then again a stepper motor can crap out the next day with no warning. The steel belts can also break without warning. LIke anything they can be tempermental with only 50km on clock. Yours has 200km so is probably well past its expectant life span
Oct 26, 3:52pm
It probably is stuffed, but don't tow it. Take it in on a transporter otherwise you will finish it off.
Oct 26, 4:04pm
Would it be OK to tow flat if the engine was running and in neutral!
Oct 26, 4:14pm
Don't really know, but think it would be OK. Ask the transmission shop.
Oct 26, 4:53pm
200km! Its probably already on its second trans!
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