I had forgotten how bad it was untill I reallised that 30 bucks only got me 13 liters, isn't fuel supposed to come down now that the middle easy has calmed down!
Nov 3, 9:12pm
sh*t me $2.30/L! Am guessing that's for 98 octane! In Australia (QLD) it hovers anywhere between $1.37 and $1.51 for 91 octane. It's weird here - one day it will be $1.50 a liter then the next day it will be $1.38 then the next day $1.45 etc. There doesn't seem to be much reasoning behind it. Of course over the weekends it's always the highest price. One service station will still be at $1.51 while the servo around the corner would be $1.37 etc.
Nov 3, 9:17pm
Nah was for caltex 95, and yeah, we need to get rid of all those stupid fuel taxes
Nov 3, 9:21pm
drive less
Nov 3, 9:24pm
Why do ya think I forgot how fuel prices were! I hadn't needed to drive around much till recently
Nov 3, 9:24pm
Yeah they stopped the 20cents off per litre fuel vouchers when u spend $200 at the supermarket to. Only give you 10 cents off now, not even worth it. I miss getting 98 for the price of 91.
Nov 3, 10:04pm
Yeah, & to make-up for lost revenue have a stupid post tax.
Nov 3, 10:07pm
unfortunately those fuel taxes are necessary. If they don't collect it off fuel they'll just collect it somewhere else. Yes fuel is expensive in NZ but be thankful you aren't in the UK.
Nov 3, 10:23pm
Wouldnt be so necessary if our useless government didnt sell out all our industry and actually knew how to make money other than taxing the people. National and Labour are both shocking for it. We need a new approach.
Nov 3, 10:29pm
Yup - driving a gutless shit box when I would really like a V8
Nov 3, 10:36pm
I don't think anything is going to be happening anytime soon. Hence why I am in Australia at the moment. But I'll be back in NZ - it will always be my home. Right now I'm just happy to travel the world and earn more money than I would be in NZ.
Nov 3, 11:07pm
haha I dont even look now I just fill her up. Must have spent 300 bucks on gas last 3 days.
Nov 3, 11:09pm
And then the moaners vote for the same party and wonder why nothing changes.
Nov 3, 11:51pm
aussie is how much bigger than nzl! when i was working in adelaide i had to do a 60km round trip each day.
Nov 3, 11:51pm
pak n save still do them down here - i have 2 on my fridge.
Nov 4, 12:54am
I currently do a 60km round trip working here in Brisbane but only because I've moved into the CBD and haven't yet moved jobs into the CBD also. Having said that most Aucklanders would be doing a 40-80km round trip if working in the city but living in the suburbs. I know people who live in Hamilton but work in Auckland and vice versa. Australia is a large country to travel indeed, but I think I would be racking up the same number of kms here than I did in NZ.
Nov 4, 12:58am
Yeah to true, Something has to give eventually though. Smart move going across the ditch, I will probably do the same when i finish my motortrade course. All my friends are in Melbourne or Sydney or Brisbane at the moment earning roughly double what they would here.
Nov 4, 12:59am
Just recently i think they were all cut to 10 cents, could be wrong. Certainly the case at my local.
Nov 4, 1:46am
I don't even bother looking, my cars cheap to run so I don't care.
Nov 4, 1:51am
I'm basically just here to kick-start my overseas adventures, am taking the opportunity to work here to top up savings before carrying on further abroad. By mid next year I will be in the UK, hopefully with a job, and then spend time traveling around the rest of Europe when I can. Probably wont be back for 4-5 years if going to plan.
Australia is nice in terms of the climate and the economy, but there are just so many things here that don't live up to home - then again there are many things in Australia that are better than NZ. Basically - if it weren't for the climate and the money, I would rather live in NZ.
Nov 4, 11:11am
At that rate Jason you'll be spending $36500 per year on gas Stevo
Nov 4, 11:24am
Nothing has changed in the 35 years i've been driving. Please tell us oh wise one, who we can vote for that will give us what we want!
Nov 4, 1:17pm
Mrs Berg does 132kms round trip to work 5 days a week. It's not so bad as she usually rides her motorbike and I get a work vehicle to travel to and from work. Not uncommon to have 1000km weeks in this household.
agree with your sentiment but i don't think fuel prices will change much anyway!
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