Fuel prices suck :(

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pge, Nov 4, 4:40pm
In 1962, my gross as apprentice was £4.19.6d, = $9.95 per week, petrol was 3/2½ (three shillings and tuppence-ha'penny) per gallon = 8½ pence per litre. 8 gallons for a guinea (£1.1.0d), therefore approx. 140 Litres / week.

In 1973, gross was $70.00 p.w., petrol was $0.48 per gallon, = 10.54 c/L, =664L / wk.

Can anyone lend me their DeLorean ! ( the non-factory, 'Doc Brown' modded.

elect70, Nov 4, 7:43pm
Price is setby commodity brokers,dont see USA congress reeling them in . GWBush threatened to remove fuel fromcom brokeragebutPres o bamadidnt follow up .

carstauranga001, Nov 4, 8:05pm
OK, some comparisons of what $30 gets.

About 5 litres of Heineken at supermarket
One messly litre of Heineken at the Viaduct during the world cup!
Less than a litre of Burbon at wholesaler
15 litres of milk at the supermarket
15 cans of V on special

Concidering the tax content of petrol the price isn't that bad really, although I too want to buy it for less!

lyonruge, Nov 4, 8:12pm
Bummer when you want to go skiing, car holds 80lts but the boat holds 190lts, doh!

lyonruge, Nov 4, 8:13pm
maybe the boat needs a flux capacitor!

ginga4lyfe, Nov 4, 10:33pm
that said still. it still sucks for people like me

tuttyclan, Nov 4, 10:37pm
I filled up my 1997 Honda Accord on the 20th of October and have done 171 km since.I must admit I drove the kids to Miranda Hot Pools during the school holidays which was about around 140km in one day and since then I have mostly walked everywhere well almost,(I used my 1982 Mitsubishi Sigma to do a 180km return trip to Thames for the day on the 21st.and I havent driven it since lol)

rsr72, Nov 4, 10:41pm
Get in on the new free to anyone AA SmartFuel cards from Caltex and BP gas stations.
You can get up to 30c litre off your fuel.
AA website has the details.

- scheme does away with supermarket vouchers at BP & Caltex.

tuttyclan, Nov 4, 10:44pm
Yeh but you have to spend over $150 to get 32 cents per litre off plus the at least a $100 to fill up (less 32 cents of course).Thats around $250 of big ticket items.
I will be sticking to using the Caltex next to Gull which is the same price as Gull which is cheaper than most stations then less 4 cents cheaper than Gull with my 4 cent supermarket voucher.
Thats about 14 cents a litre saved.

jason18, Nov 5, 12:14am
Haha I had a huge order of billboards this month. Already down to half a tank and off to Tokoroa, Morrinsville, Te Kuiti, Taumaranui (sp) on sunday. So few more litres down.I only spent probably $800 in gas last month

tahnasha, Nov 5, 12:16am
I must be lucky then.I'm in Oz, drive a Holden Commodore, $20.00 lasts me 5 days.

phillip.weston, Nov 5, 12:25am

jason18, Nov 5, 12:59am
so its tamarunui haha

intrade, Nov 5, 4:03am
i recommend to fit a lpg injection kit, I am considering a kit as you cant take enough of your own diesel on a trip.

jason18, Nov 5, 7:08pm
famuranui! I have Nick named it an exciting day out now since I can't spell it haha

1fordluva, Feb 1, 11:44pm
98 oct is $1.68here inthe southern burbs of brisbane.
Just depends on what day you strike the vowser lol