Rev counter for Nissan Civilian.

sentra, Oct 26, 8:28pm
I have a 1991 Nissan Civilian 3.5 L 5 speed diesel that does not have a rev counter. Has anyone got a similar vehicle with a rev counter and could tell me the preferred speed at recommended revs for each gear. Thanks.

wellyguynz, Oct 26, 9:27pm
just listen to the motor it will tell you when you need to change gears

sentra, Oct 26, 10:19pm
That would only be a rough guide. I am trying to find the most economical speed.

trogedon, Oct 27, 1:12am
If its so Civilized it shouldn't need a rev counter!

NZTools, Oct 27, 1:16am
Why would you need a rev counter to fine the most economic speed!

sentra, Oct 27, 2:47am
As a diesel is relatively slow revving it is easy to exceed the max revs.Most diesels have a rev counter to drive by.

40wav, Oct 27, 3:20am
Ive had a few diesels and have never watched the rev counter to tell me when to change gear. I watch the road instead, and change when it sounds right.

wellyguynz, Oct 27, 4:48pm
You should known just from the sound of the engine and what the vehical is doing as to when to change gears

disprott, Oct 27, 5:00pm
Perhaps those that are new to driving a large deisel vehicle, rather than a small petrol car need some guidance.
If they are chewing through the fuel, it would be handy to have a rev counter.

disprott, Oct 27, 5:04pm
It would also be handy to know when cruising in top gear,how many revs you're doing

skin1235, Oct 27, 5:06pm
if they're that new to larger vehicles the last thing they need is yet another distraction to their attention, most have no idea how wide they are, how long they are, how to turn corners and avoid running over pedestrians, how to back them, and obviously how to drive them, fgs don't go suggesting that a rev counter will be an aid to them, they'll think fitting one means they don't have to use their brain at all

NZTools, Oct 27, 5:07pm
Diesels are controled by goveners. Also, they sound like they are hemmoragingif they are being over-revved. also, in something like a civillian, there is only one gear you wil have a coice of when you are cruising. For example, I doubt you will be able to do 90kph in 4th, but it will cruise happily at 90kph in 5th. Your ears will tell you.

sentra, Oct 27, 6:48pm
Instead of offering a sensible answer to my question it seems most people are more intent in offering ridiculous remarks. What is so much more hazardous looking at a rev counter than looking at a speedo. I have driven many diesels in the past and this is the first one I have come across that does not have a rev counter. Various engines have different noises so engine noise is only a vague guide. If rev counters are not needed why do manufactures usually fit them.

splinter67, Oct 27, 6:53pm
youve summed up this message board in one post well done
sorry cant help you never driven one