Getting drivers licence back

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a.woodrow, Nov 2, 2:37am
Alcohol on his breath from the night before! Rubbish. If he was done for drink driving he had alcohol still in his system

berg, Nov 2, 4:02am
If licence is suspended/disqualified for more than 1 month you have to apply to the NZTA licencing center in Palmy Nth to get it back. They do have the power (and I've seen them use it) to say no to certain or all classes of licence if they deem you are not fit to retain it.

urbanrefugee54, Nov 2, 5:04am
if you lose you license [esp if you have more than 1 class] for over a year - it is a good idea to 'try' to get a daylight one [to get to work], otherwise you will have to resit 'everything'. we all have bad days & make bad calls.

wasser61, Nov 2, 5:16am
Did someone call in Sue Bradford's boyfriend.

berg, Nov 2, 1:55pm
Its not a "daylight" licence its a temporary or work licence. To get one you must first prove having your licence suspended/disqualified would put unjust pressure on others, ie, you are the sole provider for you family and your job involves driving. The licence comes with strict conditions as to what can be driven and under what circumstances

bellky, Nov 2, 3:42pm
Not really.

I was just saying that if you hit your kids one day they'll hit you back and you'll deserve it.

My brother knocked the old man over the back of his chair at the table one day, split his head clean open right between the eyes.

The old man is dead now but sometimes I regret not doing the same.

loonee-dial-111, Nov 2, 4:51pm
It's also very unlikely that your application will be declined (apparently)

loonee-dial-111, Nov 2, 5:00pm
A cheap breath alcohol tester is only $5-10.

eajo1mbwass, Nov 2, 11:33pm
hope does not get work one should have bike bus etc other wise not much of a lesson no excuse for being caught drink driving these days , time to stop all this bull get hard make them learn , and yep i would of sold the car as well stop all this naddy pandy bull