Apart from the usual charges for freight and fluids, and"Consumables & Recycling" (why is the customer paying for this!) is the bill overly expensive!
a $250 coolant pipe seems excessive. I can see the labour, given it has been fitted with a boxer engine, but $400+ still seems high
Oct 30, 3:30am
Depends on the charge out rate. The jobs may have taken 4 hours @ $100/h.
$250 for a coolant pipe! That's about right, some cost over $400.
Consumables & Recycling. That's a flash name for rags, sealers, nuts & bolts, washers etc. It's a good and common money maker on larger jobs. Most garages do this, but some simply inflate the prices a bit rather than pointing it out on the bill.
Oct 30, 3:36am
some of the coolant pipes run under the intake mainfold and the only way to get to the pipes to be fixed is to remove the intake manifold, so looking the the invoice for intake manifold gasket i would say this is what needed to be done, which pipe was replaced! that can get up in price
Oct 30, 3:53am
At the end of the day 900 bucks to do all that is cheaper than an engine replacement etc.Seems expensive but those boxer engines can be tight biiches to work on
Oct 30, 4:10am
If it is the coolant pipe I am thinking off that runs behind the cambelt and under the intake manifold, 4 hours labour is a damn quick time to get the job done in!
Oct 30, 4:58am
have you done any! 2 hrs and $15 for inlet gaskets- retail
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