Mazda 6 squeak

don1751, Oct 30, 5:04pm
Have a current model mazda 6 with a sqeak in front rright wheel area. Mechanic looked at it and checked brake, wheel bearing,cv rubber seal, tyre and still got problem. Noise seems to be rotational so has got us stumped. Any ideas!

timmo1, Oct 30, 5:16pm
What sort of squeak! a screech! Does it increase with speed!

Small stone lodged behind brake vent/cover!

don1751, Oct 30, 6:33pm
sqeak like an underinflated trye. a squishing noise at low speed (about 30 k) no stone lodged, checked. seems tied to wheel rotation

timmo1, Oct 30, 6:57pm
Has it got hub cabs! Have you tried taking these off and seeing if the noise still persists!

don1751, Oct 30, 7:38pm
no, no hub caps.

beblowin, Oct 31, 1:16am
what happens when you jack it up and spin the wheel! or jack the front up and run the engine in drive! if ya cant dectect the noise doing this,then it must only appear when loaded.

timmo1, Oct 31, 1:38am
Hmm what about the CV boot! That's rubber and rotates

don1751, Oct 31, 10:28pm
Tried running it on jack. No noise when no load. checked cv boot. Boot ok but sprayed it with silicone and squeak still persists.

robbo36, Oct 31, 11:11pm
My thoughts immediately pointed to a plastic wheel trim as they do squeak when loaded, but has been ruled out as above. Probably has alloys being the current model.
Sounds like a sway bar or suspension rubber bush is either loose or worn!

next-to-normal, Oct 31, 11:32pm
some Mechanics like to lossen things on cars to pee people off

zephyrheaven, Nov 1, 12:38am
Been down this road on these 6's - very hard to pinpoint & a pretty poor suspension setup.
Blame has been put on ball joints drying out & lower inner bushes - good place to start anyway, good luck I know Mazda NZ have had many comebacks from them

ml6989, Nov 2, 3:33am
Longshot, but had a similar problem a couple of years ago. In the end it was solved by removing CV from hub, lubricating splines with grease and reassembling. Good luck and would be interested to hear outcome.

supernova2, Nov 2, 3:41am
That was the cure for the same problem on an Austin 1100 back in the 70's.

ml6989, Nov 2, 3:56am
Ah, the mighty Land Crab, brings back memories that I wish I could forget. My mental state has just taken a dive!Time for a beer!

ralphdog1, Nov 2, 4:05am
I always reckoned that before I worked on my wifes I should have squished my hand up in the vice and belted it twice with a ballpein hammer to get the blood bit of the job over at the start
A true arsehole of a car

ralphdog1, Nov 2, 4:07am
Back to the OP, have you considered swapping the tyres around!

don1751, Nov 8, 6:38pm
Finally fixed the sqeak. It was the wheel bearing. However saga continues. My garage ordered a new bearing from Mazda, installed it and found the abs light stays on. Turns out the bearing they installed was incorrect as the correct one incorporates the abs sensor. The new correect bearing is on its way from Japan as Mazda had them on backorder.It will be interesting to see the bill when it arrives as I only want to pay for one bearing and one instilation and labour cost as the mistake was either my garage or Mazda, not me.

beblowin, Nov 8, 10:30pm
Really, it should have been picked up when the first mechanic checked it and checked to make sure the bearings were the same on instalation, time to get a real mechanic.

don1751, Nov 9, 9:37pm
Couldn't agree more. Does anyone know a good mechanic on Waiheke Island!

supernova2, Nov 10, 11:46pm
How old is your car!Shoulod it be a warranty replacement!

crzyaspeeps, Nov 11, 5:03pm
You are only up for the cost of the correct part (if there is a price difference) and labour. As per above, the 'mechanic' should have picked up that it was incorrect straight away. If they fit incorrect part, its on them, not you. If they try to have you on for all costings, mention the words Lawyer & Small claims court