BMW Tow Bar

oldvtrafford, Nov 2, 5:50am
Looking for 7 series (E38) tow bar!
Would appreciate any leads.


morrisman1, Nov 2, 5:56am
On the back of a 7-series maybe!

wasser61, Nov 2, 5:57am

xs1100, Nov 2, 3:49pm
best bars,north shore towbars all possiable to courier down and get fitted

defdude, Nov 2, 11:34pm
Best bet would be to find a local euro dismantler

rbd, Nov 4, 3:51am
Don't forget the issues you will have if you tap the light wires straight into the loom. need an interface box I believe or the lighting computer has a spaz.

unbeatabull, Nov 4, 12:16pm
As with most modern cars . lights are mostly PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) these days so you can't just tap straight into the wiring, they need a seperate module/interface box to run through now.