Mazda Familia just conked out while driving

spraggles, Mar 6, 3:10am
So over the last 3 weeks there have been four occasions when the car has turned off while driving. Usually it would start up again but this time I was not so lucky. One of the battery connectors has been lose so on some occasions when I go to start it, it would need a wiggle and then it would start but I am not sure if this is at all connected to the car conking out. When I go to start it now it turns over fine but the motor doesnt start. Any ideas what this could be! Cheers in advance

dent, Mar 6, 3:13am
Check for spark and fuel. They are quite common for ignition module failing.

spraggles, Mar 6, 3:17am
Ok thanks alot, will check the spark plugs. Could that still cause it to turn off while driving!

dent, Mar 6, 3:18am
the ignition module controls the spark if the spark stops the engines stops.

spraggles, Mar 6, 3:26am
Ok cheers for the help

franc123, Mar 6, 5:03am
You need to be sorting the battery terminal issue properly first, disconnect them both and clean them up the inside and also the posts on the battery itself to clean shiny metal, and make sure the battery is clamped down properly and the terminals are tight obviously. Cars with any sort of electronics in them, even if its just the ignition system,should never ever as in not ever be operated with loose terminals. Hopefully nothing expensive has died on it, some of those ignition modules fitted to Lasers and Familias were rudely priced, and not easy to get second hand either as lots of different ones were used depending on what motor was fitted.

gmphil, Mar 6, 6:30pm
If is modulator probably maybe u caused with loose leads ,as stated they do go tho.
But agree need fix that or u might find urself back here

melinda1, Nov 2, 10:34pm
Help-building on this my 1989 Mazda will start fine mostly, run perfect for a few k's them run really badly-like starving or such-if you keep her going she gets over it and is away.However, sometimes she will not start again when turned off after a drive. Have spent more than she is worth at Garage trying to sort it as I love her for hacking around but they can't find out what is wrong. Have had leads, starter, airflow done and still problem-if it was the ignition module hoiw could you diagnose!

skin1235, Nov 3, 2:15am
run it for a couple of days with the fuel cap in the glovebov

gilco2, Nov 3, 2:23am
I had a 1983 Mazda 323 years ago. Would go then stop when driving. Wouldnt always start again.I tested it and eliminated fuel,spark plugs and leads. Suspected module in distributor but when I had it tested it checked fine. After a couple months I said to myself blowit and went to wreckers and got a distributor that had points and condensor. That car gave me another 3 years trouble free motoring after doing that

mugenb20b, Nov 3, 3:10am
I doubt it's a module. Sounds more like a fuel problem. Has the fuel filter ever been changed on it!

melinda1, Nov 3, 3:36pm
Thanks for tghe replies-will ask re fuel filter!This car has been so reliable that I really dont want to let go.It is a breeze for around town shopping.Who would check module!Will come back re filters

melinda1, Nov 3, 4:11pm
Hubby not sure if filter been changed-nothing on garage a/c-where does he find fuel filter on 1989 Mazda Familia please!

planespotterhvn, Nov 3, 11:58pm
Work Mate had three or four distributer igniter module fail in his familiar, until someone said try putting electronic heat shink compound on the metal backplate of the module. This enables the heat from the electronics to be dissappated to the distributer housing, clean the metal backplate of the module and the mounting position in the distributor to a clean bright finish.

melinda1, Nov 4, 1:04am
Thanks-is that an auto electrician job!

trade4us2, Nov 4, 1:17am
My son paid for three different mechanics to call to fix his Familia. All three had different opinions about the firing order. I find that incredible. It's a four cylinder car. How many possiblities are there! The distributor was marked wrongly - maybe that confused them. But these professonal mechanics decided on three different ways to connect the spark plug leads.
Eventually we got a second hand ignition module and then it worked.

andrea210, Nov 5, 5:25pm
Mine used to do that all the time.was the ignition module. Got a new one and it was back to normal