Turbo 375, how common?

attitudedesignz, Nov 4, 1:38pm
So after a bit of digging around under the boys Commodore (see listing) turns out to have a Turbo-Hydro 375 behind the carb'ed 304. The reason we went digging under there is a couple of weeks ago we replaced the centre bearing and CV on the driveshaft, and while we were under there we saw a big arse fancy homemade rear box mount, i thought ok that's odd but is well made so no biggie.Then when drivesheft was out it looked like the front half had been shortened, ok so we take it to the boys at the wreckers to compare with all sorts of different VR-VS shafts and bugger me, it's 'bout 6" - 8" shorter than everything they had.

Did a bit of research and found that a TH375 is actually a TH400 but with a longer output shaft. So the boy is happy cos he was worried being a 3 speed he had a sloppy old traumatic.

The reason for this thread is i'm just curious as to what the TH375s came out in and how common they are.

ghost-roaster, Nov 5, 12:01am