Car Alarm. What is the better out of the two brandsmongoose or avs looking at a 5 star model mongoose seems to be a lot cheaper
Nov 12, 1:10pm
what is the better out of the two brands.mongoose or AVS. Looking at a 5 star model. Mongoose seems to be a lot cheaper than AVS.
Nov 12, 1:14pm
i snipped a mongoose out of my fiat with side cutters in less then 2 minutes i had the car going again. . If you want your car back you install a GPS tracker alarm. mongoose is the worlds worst crap ever.
Nov 13, 3:30am
Alarms are a waste of time and money. As Intrade suggests, fit a GPS tracker system and take simple precautions with your car - don't park it in dodgy places, don't leave valuables in full view, always lock it etc.
Nov 13, 3:40am
what is a good gps tracer to get
Nov 13, 4:04am
An alarm is only as good as the installer. Any brand alarm should be good enough in keeping out opportunist thieves. Professional thieves can bypass any alarm.
I guess the question you should ask yourself is, what would you do if your car was stolen. If you would just shrug your shoulders, then just be sure to have full insurance and any average alarm. However, if you would have a emotional breakdown if someone took your baby that you put a lot of time, effort and money into, then be sure to have full insurance, a decent alarm, and a good gps tracking device.
Nov 13, 4:34am
a $200 GPS tracker from Trademe, installed well should do nicely, it has immobilisation function so you can hook it up to fuel pump and starter. If you really clever to concealed battery switch so if you immobilise it, it will cut off all 3. you can add proximity sensor such as microwave sensor so if you got decent mags it will detect someone standing next to your car. You text it and it text back, you can call it and listen to what's going on inside your car. If your car gets towed it will let you know it left 200m from where you parked. Far more practical than a 5star alarm. AVS and mongoose can be disabled with a few 5cm wires with crimp lugs attached at each end. The star system for alarm has recently been removed as it's a joke. if you serious about alarms for insurance get a thatcham rated alarm system such as autowatch or cobra. both have very high quality temperproof housing unlike mongoose, avs, uniden or dynatron.
Nov 13, 12:10pm
Nov 13, 12:39pm
Alarms piss people off and are largely ignored fit an imobiliser if the factory was to cheap to do the job properly when new and a gps tracker, Presume this is some Jap shitbox without a chipped key.
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