Paid Rego fee recently?

apollo11, Nov 25, 11:59pm
just had a look at the latest renewal of motor vehicle licence form, $287.54 includes an administration fee of $6.43. The back of the form states $4.11 to pay online or $7.20 to pay in-store. Does this mean that we now have to pay two admin fees! Would the government really try to rip us off!

bitsy_boffin, Nov 26, 12:02am
You must be new around here.

apollo11, Nov 26, 12:04am
> Takes straw stalk out of mouth.

intrade, Nov 26, 12:17am
putting on hold also costs unless you do it online then that one is free still.

apollo11, Nov 26, 12:42am
Anyone ever been caught driving around with their rego on hold! Smack!

supernova2, Nov 26, 1:28am
I nearly fell over in the shop the other day.i rego'd one of ours with the form and had to pay something like 22 cents less that the prepinted figure as the fees been reduced.WTF - how dare the gubberment do that to us!

chevcamaro, Nov 26, 2:58am
santa did it

johnf_456, Nov 26, 3:24am
He isn't a nice santa