Transmission stuffed.

rodman7, Nov 26, 1:13am
I just bought a Audi a4 of a car auctions 3 weeks ago.
They told me there was nothing wrong with the vechicle and I have had problems with surging in the transmission.
I have taken it to a audi mechanic and he says the transmission is stuffed.
The mechanic told me a new one is 7k and a secondhand one is 3.5k.
What can I do, do I have any rights!.

motorboy2011, Nov 26, 1:17am
All problems with it now are wholey yours.

andrea_w, Nov 26, 1:20am
What did the pre-purchase inspection you had done tell you!

rodman7, Nov 26, 1:21am
I didn't get one done as the dealer told me there was nothing wrong with the car.

moosie_21, Nov 26, 1:24am

Try CAB or the MTA

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 1:27am
when you buy at auction you have no comeback unless the vehicle was misrepresented. If the vehicle was running ok when you purchased but later broke down you have no rights. If they told you there was nothing wrong with the car and when you picked it up the trans was faulty, then the vehicle may have been misrepresented and you may have some rights.
When buying a vehicle you should get it inspected, don't rely on the sellers opinion, they are hardly going to tell you not to buy it are they!

theram1, Nov 26, 1:30am
I can imagine the seller won't recall saying nothing wrong with the car. Never trust car auctioneers and politicians.

chebry, Nov 26, 1:43am
Oh and car dealers never lie do they you have a lemon from the VW stable learn to avoid next time

amberjandal, Nov 26, 2:11am
Chalk it up as one of life's lessons. There is nothiing you can do , thats what you get with auctions.

zeroh, Nov 26, 2:15am
Join up with the ~ Vask ~ forum , ( Google Vask NZ ) someone may be able to help with a gearbox a lot cheaper . Possibly they can also advise what decent prices should be .

zeroh, Nov 26, 2:15am
Join up with the ~ Vask ~ forum , ( Google Vask NZ ) someone may be able to help with a gearbox a lot cheaper .

petermcg, Nov 26, 2:24am
If its got the ZF5HP18 then it shares the same transmission as some BMW.

neville48, Nov 26, 3:10am
The trouble with something breaking down is it has to happen at some, and only one point in time. Even a pre-check may not have shown anything wrong and the dealer may not have known any wrongs with it. The only fact you have is that the point in time of the failure just happened to be after you bought it, does this actually mean that someone else is to blame for the fact. Someone had to own it when it failed and the bad thing is ,you do.

oakie, Nov 26, 12:05pm
and now you can see why the previous owner stuck it through the auctions!

kamitchell, Nov 26, 1:48pm
Have they said what is actually wrong! I was told by one transmission mob "Transmission stuffed" 3 grand please. Mate sent me to an Honest guy. Price $60 for a position switch.

kazbanz, Nov 26, 2:16pm
Did you notice the surging during your test drive!

happyo50, Nov 26, 2:56pm
Could just need a flush & service, might pay to get a second opinion.

doug207, Nov 26, 3:01pm
The ZF5HP18 was never in an east west motor, or any Audi to my knowledge. It's a RWD only box and found here in NZ new M60B30 and M52B28 powered BMWs

I'd have the trans looked at by a specialist, you may find if it's a valve body/solenoid or sensor issue it could be cheap to fix

gram, Nov 26, 3:14pm
Here's a list of ZF transmissions fitted to Audis. 'I'd have the trans looked at by a specialist'.doug207 has the idea.

meathead_timaru, Nov 26, 4:23pm!v=9BOG4p1-H2Q
They can tell you whatever they like. It's an auction.

elect70, Nov 26, 9:22pm
Get another opiniontoo many just say its stuffed because they dont know FA about it ., beforespending that $$$ .sounds more like a control problem as above