Bought a Audi at auction and transmission stuffed

rodman7, Nov 26, 1:49am
I just bought a Audi a4 of a car auctions 3 weeks ago.
They told me there was nothing wrong with the vechicle and I have had problems with surging in the transmission.
I have taken it to a audi mechanic and he says the transmission is stuffed.
The mechanic told me a new one is 7k and a secondhand one is 3.5k.
What can I do, do I have any rights!.

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 1:51am
Why start another thread!! go read your old one, the answers are there

llortmt, Nov 26, 2:12am
I have good news!
We have an VAG expert on the motoring message board who will be along in a minute to tell you based on his own experience how to fix your trans for $250.
Sorry my mistake, he's actually a know nothing keyboard warrior with 'zero credentials' who just likes the look of his own long winded posts.

Unless they put that 'they told me' in writing, your stuffed mate!

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 2:15am
No need to be a troll

incar., Nov 26, 3:00am
and who advised you to buy one!

llortmt, Nov 26, 3:09am
A knuckle dragging TM troll!

wasser61, Nov 26, 3:14am
We need more trolls.

rojill, Nov 26, 3:18am
Yeah - Last rights.

trademerob, Nov 26, 10:02pm
Drain the oil out and fill it with mashed up Banana Muffins. Take it back to the auctions. Rights.You have no rights.

intrade, Nov 26, 10:11pm
you want to take it to a automatic trans rebuild place who can give you professional advise , not a mechanic who tells you 3500 for secoundhand as that is the price for a rebuild on a mk4 golf automatic . the rebuiolder place will tell you where to get the trans numbers off and then quote you from there. if you cant find anyone advanced automatic whangarei will be able to repair or rebuild it. and explain you all things

trademerob, Nov 26, 11:56pm
I own an audi and it was $3500 to replace one shock. So it sounds about right to me.cont cars are costley to maintain.

supernova2, Nov 26, 11:59pm
That was a cheap job - did they put a used one in!

00quattro00, Nov 27, 12:43am
If its a multitronic trans be prepared for a raping

serf407, Nov 27, 2:46pm
This is a possible first port of call.
Cross your fingers - sometimes a bit of minortweaking can fix things.