Mystery Gear in a Road Ranger 13 and 18 speed

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theram1, Nov 27, 12:28am
I have been informed that the mystery gear does not exist after commenting in "tips for driving a tip truck " thread.
Well does it exist in the high range! you tell me, Yes or No!.

theram1, Nov 27, 12:28am
I have been informed that the mystery gear does not exist after commenting in "tips for driving a tip truck " thread.
Well does it ! you tell me, Yes or No!.

henderson_guy, Nov 27, 12:36am
Sure.deep under!

gunhand, Nov 27, 12:43am
Mystery gear!Is it 18 plus 1! Is that the gear that is a secret to all but a few!
How can anything have a mystery gear! Must go check my bike, it may have one as well. Or is this just a truck thing!

theram1, Nov 27, 12:46am
It is just a truck thing.) Funny though the guy how said it doesn't exist was also from Gore.

gunhand, Nov 27, 12:49am
Buggered if I know LOL, just sounds odd. But my limited roadranger expeince tells me anything is possable lol.

splinter67, Nov 27, 12:54am
on the fuller eton noin the bottom box maybe I drove trucks with enough horsepower not to need that low in the gearbox not sure about the roadranger didnt drive a jappa with an 18 though and as gunhand said anything is possible in a jappa

henderson_guy, Nov 27, 12:55am
it is the "LO" gear, it's just commonly referred to as a "mystery gear".

philltauranga, Nov 27, 12:57am
Yes "mystery" gear is there its below R in a 18 speed. When in low range its a sort or deep reduction for serious hill starts or when you need to inch foward- when first low is to fast.
BUT when in high range its "mystery" gear. DONT use it in high range! I was told it dosent have sufficient bearing support for high range use, and buggers the gearbox over a period of time! Just because you can- dosent mean you should- Just because it dosent go bang straight away, dosent mean it wont.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 12:57am
Yes "mystery" gear is there its below R ( hard left through indent then down) in a 18 speed when in high range.

When in low range its a sort or deep reduction for serious hill starts or when you need to inch foward- when first low is to fast.
BUT when in high range its "mystery" gear. DONT use it in high range! I was told it dosent have sufficient bearing support for high range use, and buggers the gearbox over a period of time! Just because you can- dosent mean you should- Just because it dosent go bang straight away, dosent mean it wont.
Look on the shift pattern sticker. nothing there in high range on the Eaton/RR shift pattern! BUT in low range on the sticker is has."LO"

theram1, Nov 27, 1:34am
Well that answers that then.
The almighty has spoken.
I'm off to look for a large hammer.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 1:46am
Are you off to get the hammer because you doubt what I said!
Read the owners manual of your truck before you fluck it.

shark574, Nov 27, 1:58am
You are so right,

The guys who designed and built these transmissions know more than these dickheads, Otherwise they would call it 14sp and 19sp wouldn't they. There is a gear there but dont use it.

henderson_guy, Nov 27, 2:06am
Actually, on the ones I've driven, there is a "LO" and "HI" on there. i.e. LO LO and HI LO.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 2:09am
What speed gearbox! not a 18spd Eaton/RR Im guessing

henderson_guy, Nov 27, 2:28am
yes 18spd eaton.

henderson_guy, Nov 27, 2:28am
Actually, come to think of it, you're right, it was a splitter select, not a range select. At any rate, I never used it. At the moment, however, I'm driving a 15 speed. What a shit of a box.

chebry, Nov 27, 2:37am
Mystery gear in high range gives you roughly low 3rd and getting out again is tricky

theram1, Nov 27, 2:38am
Right you are then.

bashfulbro, Nov 27, 2:41am
a 15 speed RR

chris_051, Nov 27, 3:51am
Not a bearing issue, no individual gear in a rr has a bearing the mainshaft floats unlike your usual single countershaft syncro. The box will have more load on the bearings on low range anyway, we are pulling 170t with them behind 620hp and they outlast the diffs and engine, probably the best gear box ever built.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 4:48am!q=eaton+fuller+18+speed+shift+pattern&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&ei=3Zi0UICFPIegigfBvYCoCA&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=620
Top left pic. notice it only has a ( LO ) in the bottom left gear position.
Chris_051--- as was explained to me the LO (bottom left) gear dosent have enough support to handle HIGH range use, not exactly sure what the guy was refering to, Im no gearbox expert, he said it fluks the box when used in high range. I read somthing about it in the Kenworth owners manual aswell.

philltauranga, Nov 27, 4:48am!q=eaton+fuller+18+speed+shift+pattern&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&ei=3Zi0UICFPIegigfBvYCoCA&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=620
Top left pic. notice it only has a ( LO ) in the bottom left gear position. There is no high range gear there so why would you use it!
Chris_051--- as was explained to me the LO (bottom left) gear dosent have enough support to handle HIGH range use, not exactly sure what the guy was refering to, Im no gearbox expert, he said it fluks the box when used in high range. I read somthing about it in the Kenworth owners manual aswell.

chris_051, Nov 27, 6:49am
Not doubting ya Phil but have built a few of those boxes and cant see how high range will bugger it but might be different in the real world after extended use who knows., Nov 27, 3:39pm
it was with the old 13 spd knob,you could split the highest gear in low range,forget about anyone talking about 15 speeds,they are not a splitter box,the newer roadranger gearknob you cant split a 13 spd in low range,18 speed is different,where as you can split any gear.