RUC. Just purchased a demonstrator from a well known car dealerlooked at ruc diesel window ticket when i got home and its behind
Nov 29, 1:41am
Just purchased a demonstrator from a well known Car Dealer.Looked at RUC (diesel) window ticket when I got home and its behind by 3K+ .I'm sure they will correct it - but could really do without the hassell !
Nov 29, 1:46am
The price you pay for satan's fuel !
Nov 29, 1:59am
You may have to correct it
Nov 29, 2:25am
I think not - I do "arsehole" very well.
Nov 29, 2:27am
you should change the wording on that no swearing permitted by acordance to rules.
Nov 29, 2:28am
Or, given it's a moderated board, you could just walk away.
Nov 29, 2:30am
i dont complain i just warn people. i think they got automated word scanners on the forum.
Nov 29, 2:34am
you may find the new owner is liable, should have had a look at the readings.
Nov 29, 2:38am
will I go to jail or should I take myself to the local whore house for a good thrashing
Nov 29, 2:38am
What should I do if the vehicle's RUC licence has expired!
The Road User Charges Act 2012 requires a vehicle that is subject to RUC to have a valid RUC licence when a new owner takes possession. If it doesn't, the seller is committing an offence, and the new owner becomes liable for the outstanding fees. It's recommended that unpaid RUC is taken into account when establishing the sale price. The NZTA doesn't become involved in these negotiations.
Thers the answer from the NZTA
Nov 29, 2:41am
thar it is matey
Nov 29, 2:45am
haven't you been screwed enough yet!. Get that bloody dealer, he needs a whooping.
Nov 29, 2:45am
Thanks for this - Bashfulbro may be right - I may be correcting it myself - time will tell.
Nov 29, 3:06am
So what it says is, the seller is committing an offense BUT the new owner is liable. Stupid.
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