Opinions on buying this ute please

kazbanz, Nov 30, 5:00pm
basicly it uses old isuzu technology so its a rattly sounding engine but good for a million miles

skiff1, Nov 30, 5:12pm
As above gut less, but will go to the moon and back if you change the oil and filter. Looks pretty tidy, love black myself.

treachug, Nov 30, 7:13pm
The RA series Rodeos were good utes. As mentioned above, a little noisy compared to other diesels of the same era but good Isuzu reliability.
When I worked at Blackwells (Sockburn) we use to sell/use Fuchs Titan Super GTO sae10W30 in these & found this to be very good for the engines. Its a 2WD ute with the factory hi-rise option & being LT is higher spec than standard 2wd of the same model,