Can you help with my.89 toyota townace van?

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:12am
it was running really rough out the tail pipe, so i turned the dizzy on direction as far as it could go and it started running a bit smoother but the only problem is now the vowels are pinging. so i turned it back a tad so the vowelsdon't ping, it's running heaps better (still missing and putting a wee bit) any think else i can play with! Air on the carb!. Have replaced dizzy cap and rotor and plugs. Do you think it might be worth doing the leads!. Any help would be great!. Thanks

jmma, Dec 4, 1:13am
Has it got points!

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:15am
no it hasn't its electronic.

theram1, Dec 4, 1:16am
You need to do the timing properly, timing light.

craig04, Dec 4, 1:17am
Try adjusting the consonants.

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:18am
educate me, what is that!

snoopy221, Dec 4, 1:22am
the only problem is now the vowels are pinging

craig04, Dec 4, 1:23am
bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz of course.

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:24am
Ah i remember you! you helped out with the timing belt on my Suzuki swift. Na i turned it back i little so the vowels don't ping. Just be good to get it running smoother.

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:26am
Ah ha funi. Sometimes you gotta help a white brother out. English please:)

a.woodrow, Dec 4, 1:27am
Are you posting from a cell phone by any chance!

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:30am
no why is that

a.woodrow, Dec 4, 1:30am
cos your saying vowels not valves

snoopy221, Dec 4, 1:31am
wn oi wnt ta skool da VOWELS





fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:32am
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh crap over tired and not thinking.

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:33am
HAHAHA i guess i asked for that.

andrewph, Dec 4, 1:33am
The language police say its valves not v\owels

fordoverholden, Dec 4, 1:34am
PC police

splinter67, Dec 4, 1:37am
leads would be a good idea hows the air filter and thanks for the laugh

snoopy221, Dec 4, 1:37am
Meh ya over advanced ya ignition timing by turning the spark making item.(distributor) causing pre-ignition or *PINKING*
Timing light and get it timed RIGHT
[No valves or vowels were pinged for speeding by da police ]

andrewph, Dec 4, 1:49am
Anyway im guessing its a "Y'' series, motor they can develop an air leak into the gallery for the idle circuit in the base plate of the carb. This can be tested by CAREFULLY spraying the base of the with brakeclean or similar with the motor idling. What actually leaks is the gasket between the body and lower plate of the carb not the gasket under the carb. It sucks into the throtle bore. This usually shows up as a rough idle or no idle.It will rev up a little if you spay at the throtle shaft ends. try that.

thunderbolt, Dec 4, 2:21am
Also done a few with leaking intake manifold gaskets, so spray around there also.