Need bulb for Nissan Avenir 2001

nigelt74, Dec 10, 2:29pm
Yep, exactly what it says, I need a bulb for my headlight (passenger side).

And how the hell do I get the bulb out, it looks like i need o pull out the white bottle thingie first before i can even get at the back of the headlamps

the-lada-dude, Dec 10, 2:59pm
I've seen bulbs inserted from the front, if that's any help

greghale, Dec 10, 3:15pm
maybe they are sealed beam.

curlcrown, Dec 10, 3:41pm
Pulling out the white bottle would be a good start.

thegreycat, Dec 10, 3:45pm
Feel your pain, we had to take half the car apart on our VW to change the park light bulb.Car manufacturers are leaving less and less space every year

johnf_456, Dec 10, 4:49pm
Try working on boats and jetski, space is very hard to come by even for small jobs

hopie, Dec 10, 4:51pm
lol radiator overflow bottle. give it a pull upwards and it will slide off a metal bracket. then there is a bulb holder in the back of the unit, twist and pull out, replace bulb and put back in as reverse.

curlcrown, Dec 10, 4:52pm
was it a beetle! Those are a pain the change bulbs in. Very few are that hard.

jmma, Dec 10, 5:01pm
But the headlight bulbs are easy to change on these (o:

the-lada-dude, Dec 10, 5:39pm
HA HA HA HA , u have a rye sense of humour, I like it

supernova2, Dec 10, 9:44pm
Lada station wagons were well designed in that area.Tail light has to come off and its bolted on.Nuts inside bodyshell.Lada actually include a box spanner in the tool kit.Didn't make it magnetic though so nuts end up somewhere inside the chassis without fail.just one of many odd designs in the motor industry.

My present peeve is concentric clutch slave cylinders on AWD vehicles.Makes a 10 minute job into a 10 hour job - well almost!

mugenb20b, Dec 10, 10:39pm
On a 2001 passenger vehicle! Nope.

cpnnz, Dec 10, 10:53pm
might even be an HID type bulb, they are fun

vtecintegra, Dec 10, 11:40pm
Yeah my 99 Avenir had HID low beams (fortunately never had to change them)

On my Skyline changing them is a bumper off job and they're bloody expensive

clark20, Dec 10, 11:59pm
About 2004 European law demands that bulb must be replaced without hand tools, as it was getting crazy (bumper off etc)

vtecintegra, Dec 11, 12:34am
! You can take the bumper off with hand tools, and I know that is the procedure on a lot of newer cars (even Euros)

e. Ah without hand tools. The rest of the post stands though

thegreycat, Dec 11, 2:18am
Is a 2003 polo.The park light was at a crazy angle up in the high beam light.Had to take the whole light unit (which meant undoing the bumper as well) out to be able to be able to get my hand (and half my arm) into the bloody thing.The worst design ever.

tigra, Dec 11, 4:38pm
Wry fyi

johnf_456, Dec 11, 11:10pm
Sigh :|