Light flashing

baxter17, Dec 11, 12:32am
Hi the D for drive on the dash has started flashing can anyone tell me what the problem is the car is a honda 2002 crv thanks.

kingfisher21, Dec 11, 12:43am
There is a fault with the transmission, you will have to take it to a dealer or sparky that can scan the car and read the fault code.

baxter17, Dec 11, 12:52am
Thanks can it still be used

kevymtnz, Dec 11, 1:02am
until it stops

dunedin_moto, Dec 11, 1:06am
I would drive it to your local Honda dealership.
Could be a faulty pressure sensor or switch or.!
Honda will have the correct diagnostic gear and they will use the correct transmission oil, if needed.

dunedin_moto, Dec 11, 1:12am
Note: Honda USA so may not apply. In other words, get it checked before you stress too much :)