thanks pettal, didnt think ofthat, i shall get some tape tomorrow to hide it,most annoying
Dec 22, 2:38am
ignore it when the engine blows then you will have your answer
Dec 22, 2:40am
bloody helpful arent ya.NOT
Dec 22, 3:30am
Well said. they didn't spend millions of dollars putting that light there for your amusement ;)
Dec 22, 4:23am
so the op dosnt want to fix the problem just dosnt want to see the light. Sounds like putting a sticking plaster on a 4 inch cut.
Dec 22, 4:28am
Either you ignore the light, potentially causing further damage. Or you get the ECU scanned for the fault code. Then use that information to find and fix the underlying issue.
Dec 23, 2:24pm
mate, its been doing that for over a year & still all good, only comes on when it feels like it,i think a plaster will do da trick just fine :)
Dec 23, 2:27pm
Maybe you should describe how and when the light comes on.
Dec 23, 3:43pm
Are you serious or just having a bit of fun! If you are just having a bit of fun no worries. If you are serious let us know and someone will explain it to you without getting sarcastic.
Dec 23, 4:51pm
Its that time of ther year kaz whenall the idiots come out to play. Still if they are on nhere then they are not a danger on the roads
Dec 23, 5:26pm
yet your the dork that has been using the car for how LONG ! phisssst ! what a monkey, you've been told what to do, now go away you time waster
Dec 23, 5:31pm
Are you serious or just having a bit of fun! If you are just having a bit of fun no worries. If you are serious let us know and someone will explain it to you without getting sarcastic.
Quote kazbanz (30 )10:43 am, Mon 24 Dec #13
Did you look at the link that is posted above!.
Dec 23, 7:18pm
have had the same on a little pulsar the fan switch broke so just disconnected it fans run constantly and the light got covered by some tape (tridon no longer do the switch obsolete for the ga15de) only 1/2 a million of them running round
Dec 24, 12:25am
u got a cheeky mouth the-lada-dude,why dont u come dwn here to wanganui & tell me that
Dec 24, 12:26am
& i bet your the bigger dork in this life sunnyjim
Dec 24, 12:27am
oh i m serious cher
Dec 24, 12:29am
now now boys tis the season to be jolly take 5 & go and stand in the naughty corner both of ewes baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dec 24, 12:40am
all good taipan 4
Dec 24, 12:59am
Well being a nissan it is within the realms of possibility it could have logged a fault code from poor soldering in the air flow meter. NOW-Irrespective of how it has run for the last 12 months. The FACT remains that should the fault logged by the engine management computer become worse and cause the engine to instantly stop. Will it be YOU driving-and will it be in a situation where a complete engine failure causes an accident! Or someone close to YOU driving! Either way - why not FIX the problem-and get the REASON for the light checked by having it scanned!
Dec 24, 1:03am
bcaus, its dun 208ks & i dnt wanna spend good muny on it as i wanna trade it soon
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