Electrical Scrap

shuddupowh, Dec 22, 4:55am
Im putting in here, because it is semi motoring due to the fact its Scrap related and motorheads sometimes deal with scrap metal. So, anyways. I was wondering if anyone knows of a company or organisation in NZ (anywhere in NZ) that BUYS (as is PAY not take for free) scrap circuit boards from PCs, TVs etc (any kind of circuit boards). In the US they sell them online to people who strip them for the Gold plating (is quite a big deal over there) and also some scrap yards buy them by the bucket loads (I think its like 10c-30c a pound or some sh-t so dont get much but it is $$ and scrapping is very popular in the US - see YouTube) so I was wondering if anyone knows of anywhere in NZ that buys them! Otherwise I was just gonna chuck them in with my plain scrap steel waste at the 15-20c a KG at the scrapyard. Just wondered. Anyone know!

the-lada-dude, Dec 22, 1:25pm
I can't think of anyway to short circuit the system we have !

mrfxit, Dec 22, 1:31pm
Most scrap buyers already have a pricing set for E-waste/ electrical scrap.
Volumes/ stripped (within reason) etc all effect the final price paid out.

Some years, I have been able to sell them bags of plugs (off the cable ends), sometimes they don't want to know.
Grab a couple of old wool sack/ park them somewhere dry-ish & start filling them up.
Power adapters etc in 1 bag & motherboards/ circuit boards etc in the other

red97, Dec 22, 1:38pm
put them in a landfill, printed circuit boards are usually dealt with in India, normally by children who spend all day melting the lead and various other nasties out of them, so every time we 'recycle' something electronic we can feel all warm and fuzzy and can tell our friends about it while drinking a soy, gluten, flavour free, organic lentil shake, however the reality is the lives of Indian children are being dramitically shortened by our Green actions, all E waste sholud be buried or stockpiled untill it is financialy viable for the country that scrapped it to recycle it with due regard for human safety. thats what i reckon anyway

shuddupowh, Dec 22, 1:43pm
red97 - if you say so. Not everything is done over there. I'd like to see video evidence of that. And mrfxit - good idea. May just collect whatever circuitry I get and put it aside for now, not sure about plug ends, they are just metal bits in plastic! I put them in my plain scrap waste. So should I just ring around scrapyards and ask what they offer for circuit board scrap waste!

red97, Dec 22, 1:48pm

the-lada-dude, Dec 22, 3:45pm
to be honest, the indians are creating their own cess pit they should have taken a leaf out of chinas population control a long time ago, these are the prats that are going to cause the biggest pollution the world has ever seen,population pollution !

trade4us2, Dec 22, 4:14pm
I once had the idea of covering the walls and ceiling of a room with circuit boards. Maybe have some flashing LEDs. Then you can pretend you are inside a computer!

mrfxit, Dec 22, 4:35pm
Pays for our familys xmas party stuff . just saying ;-)

Family of 4 teens & 3 adults put out almost 1 full-ish rubbish bag a week, sometimes 1 once every 2 weeks.
A most stuff here gets recycled by some means or another at least once more around the block

mrfxit, Dec 22, 4:36pm
Mmmm but to devote my time & space to that, I would have to add another room to the Tardis.

trade4us2, Dec 22, 6:26pm
OK, my Tardis will go through the inside of the computer to the Holodeck.

msigg, Dec 22, 7:02pm
Not even worth bothering about. Chuck em in the bin.

mrfxit, Dec 22, 7:06pm
Holodeck . AAaarrhhh PPPpppffftt, who would want a fake experience when the Tardis can take you there for real

socram, Dec 22, 9:12pm
I am yet to be convinced that most recycling is overall, cost effective, certainly the way it is done here.
By the time we have had six large, expensive diesel gobbling and polluting trucks down our street each collection day, the costs and environmental impact of producing so many plastic bins and the processing, transportation and shipping costs of the recyclable stuff, I think we waste more than we save.
If you can empty the boot of your car at the local supermarket into appropriate bins, it might make more sense.
It is still more environmentally friendly driving an existing classic rather than buying a modern electric car.

IF the sea is rising, then reclaim the land using non-biodegradable landfill.

kirstenp, Dec 22, 9:14pm
I'm sure my bill's company does. Metal Exchange in Otahuhu, Auckland. They are Open tomorrow so you'd be able to call them and find out rates.