Nissan. Im having problems with my car its been to 2 mechanics 1 had it on a computer the other checked the motor but could find
Dec 23, 5:24pm
Im having problems with my car, its been to 2 mechanics, 1 had it on a computer the other checked the motor but could find nothing wrong. My car shudders like its going to stall which sometimes its does and its hard to start when it stalls, I was going around a corner and it just cut out (yikes no power steering!) can anyone give me an idea on what could be wrong please!
Dec 23, 5:28pm
Fuel filter , loose battery conections, watercontamination in the petrol.
Dec 23, 5:28pm
More info, Model, year, engine size etc (o:
Dec 23, 5:33pm
I see you haven't put "what is the car."
Dec 23, 5:37pm
Its in the heading, Duh(o:
Dec 23, 5:41pm
check idle air control valve isn't blocked. If it is then with the throttle closed it cannot get any air. The IAC valve if working correctly will give you higher RPM on warm-up and then progressively lower idle speed as the engine warms up. If it is doing this then chances are it is fine
Low fuel pressure maybe! Can be caused by a leak on the high pressure line, a faulty pressure regulator, blocked fuel filter or a fuel pump not operating correctly.
Then there is the air flow meter. The GA15DE in the n15 pulsar is particually prone to fail the air flow meter. If the car is otherwise running fine then chances are it is not the air flow meter. A squirt of the hot-wire element with some CRC air flow meter cleaner (can get it from repco I think) never hurts
Dec 23, 5:43pm
if it shudders when going around a corner and the engine is under load then It could well be the fuel pump has an air leak. Do the symptoms change between when you have a full tank and an empty tank!
Dec 23, 5:46pm
Its a nissan avenir, and morrisman1 thank you so much Ill will get all these things checked, I really appreciate your posts Merry Christmas
Dec 23, 5:50pm
Its really weird when Im driving to work of a morning it always goes to stall at the first couple of sets of lights like the car has to warm up, there is no change from half a tank or a full tank,
Dec 23, 5:59pm
But does it run right after it warms up! If so, sounds like idle control valve is jammed.
Dec 23, 6:23pm
Nissan Avenirs have been production since 1990, they have at least 9 or so different drivetrain configurations. Supply model number and engine code off chassis plate so people can narrow down the fault
Dec 23, 6:30pm
Not really can randomly cut out
Dec 23, 6:49pm
So . It dies turning corners It trys to die when braking to a stop can randomly cut out
Dec 23, 6:50pm
off the top of my head its a 2003 model my husband out in it at the moment so will update with model number and engine code later
Dec 23, 6:53pm
air flow meter can be fixed about $150.00 out west,normally the solder joins need to be fixed,very common on nissan pulsars and the wingroads use the same mtr
Dec 23, 6:58pm
Thank You for your advice will get this checked. merry xmas
Dec 23, 7:04pm
Yes has done that twice yes quite often yes every so often maybe I should just get rid of car!
Dec 23, 7:14pm
hahaha sorry just saw were you were most auto electrcians will be able to surprised that yr local garage didnt pick it up go and have a word to them and just ask if they think it could be at fault also as i say fairly common problem on them so they might have discounted it
Dec 23, 7:24pm
I was really surprised that the 2 garages the car went to didnt find any fault whatsoever, thank you, auto electrician here I come
Dec 23, 8:33pm
Sorry had to go out for a while. more questions ;-) All answers can help eliminate or confirm issues
Drives ok in a straight line Accelerates ok Starts from cold ok Does it blow black /white or blue smoke when starting after a stall
Dec 24, 2:35pm
No problems with any of the above, when it stalls at the lights it sort of hesitates to restart, but it does start
Dec 24, 9:07pm
if it was a faulty IAC valve it should still start OK, especially when warm. I'm thinking fuel pressure issues or an ignition module.
Dec 25, 3:45am
x wifes car has same problem diagonised afm
Dec 25, 3:53am
Had a blocked EGR valve on a primera had a few similar issues.
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