I should not ride my bike to work. I should not ride my bike close to parked vehicles. I should allow plenty of room between you and me. I should know what you are going to do next. I should swerve to avoid your car door which opens suddenly. I should allow time for these actions. I should not have to pick my arse up off the ground. I should not have to pick my bike off the ground. I should not have to abuse you so all the town can hear. I should not be nursing a bruised finger and sore shoulder. I should not have to file a report to the police. Good on you MAX for being such a friggen wanker this morning.
Dec 29, 1:20am
Too late John, I know what you said.
Dec 29, 1:33am
I saw that as well.
Dec 29, 1:40am
The same can be applied vice versa, the amount of times I have witnessed cyclists with poor riding behaviour is unreal especially in the cbd of Auckland. Hit edit instead of delete so nothing to hide mugen20b
Dec 29, 1:43am
you have to click two tabs to delete
Dec 29, 1:45am
Yes you do, who would of known that!
Long day here with a severe head cold and no sleep this week because of it.
Dec 29, 1:49am
Sounds to me like he's learnt his lesson nothing more needs to be said in this thread.
Dec 29, 1:49am
lemon honey garlic drinks is what the maoris recommend works for me .
Dec 29, 2:33am
Don't worry bro, you got all that free ACC!
Dec 29, 2:57am
Yes, fantastic system. Imagine if "Max the friggin wanker" had to pay.
Dec 29, 2:59am
OK, a similar apology from Troggy and we'll all sleep better.
Dec 29, 3:05am
.when you were born.did the doc smack you or your mum!
Dec 29, 3:06am
No, you keep going straight and hit the car driver.
Dec 29, 3:21am
The OP's from Computing. Say no more
Dec 29, 2:25pm
All of the OP's worries could have been avoided if he just stayed off the parts of the world built for motor vehicles, not sit down and walk machines.
Dec 29, 3:12pm
oh oh ! what did john456 say !tell us quick
Dec 29, 3:15pm
read post 5
Dec 29, 3:33pm
Well cars, trucks, buses etc have a right to be on the road by paying RUC, registeration etc.
You, my friend, pay diddlysquat to wave your lycra covered bum at everyone while weaving in and out of traffic and even riding on the footpath. Bikes should be registered to help pay for upkeep of NZs roads.
Dec 29, 3:58pm
Incorrect.Bicyclesbelong inschoolplaygrounds and parks, and have no place on roads with grown ups
Dec 29, 4:07pm
bitchwitattiturd get your facts right.
Dec 29, 4:08pm
Which fact is wrong!
Dec 29, 4:45pm
Sorry dude but it really was self inflicted.
Dec 29, 4:53pm
"You, my friend, pay diddlysquat to wave your lycra covered bum at everyone while weaving in and out of traffic and even riding on the footpath". .
Dec 29, 4:56pm
That's what cyclists do. Sorry you'll have to spell the wrong bit out to me
Dec 29, 4:57pm
nothing wrong with that statement, its true
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