Most likely "farm rego", previous owner used it as a farm hack, this exemption only allows short journeys on the public road between the farms owned by the registered owner.
Jan 1, 12:16am
Jan 1, 1:11pm
I just paid to renew mine yesterday. $56 odd for 12 months.
Jan 5, 3:51am
also saw a truck on here reg as a 'special interest vechile'@60 odd sure alot of us have alotspecial interest in our vechile to enable it to become a 'special interest vechile'.
Jan 5, 4:00am
what is A class rego then please.
Jan 5, 4:00am
I seem to recall the Gummint was going after people using the wrong rego status. Haven't seen anything about it though, so dunno if they did.
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