Do the same LVV rules apply to trucks as for cars, I are looking at a Ford N series Truck That has a 6 cylinder 165 hp motor in when it started life with a 114 hp 4 cylinder.Is this fine or should it be certified!
Jan 2, 3:13pm
Take it for a wof if it passes you good.Chances are on something that old they will have no idea and if theres nothing noted on the factory build plaque regarding engines and it looks factory enough they would probably pass it.
Jan 2, 3:35pm
as long as it is not a compound supercharged engine, you'll be fine
Jan 2, 4:01pm
Best advice is to ring the NZTA plus your local area LVV & VTNZ agencys regarding COF / WOF & general commercial size vehicle warrents. They will have the correct info somewhere between them
If this is to be used commercially, then just about ANYTHING thats welded or bolted on thats not factory will need certing. The regs are a little easier for domestic usage but not by much.
Insurance claims in an accident can also sometimes be a bit sticky
Jan 2, 4:03pm
20 years ago. yep, not so easy now. Traffic volumes/ speeds & roads have changed pretty dramatically since those days
Jan 2, 9:44pm
Thanks guys that's what they told me " that crate is so old they wouldn't worry about it.
Jan 3, 12:36pm
You might be able to get away with a "it was transplanted in the eighties" line and they may let it slide. But it would still need a COF to drive wouldn't it! VTNZ can be really nit picky as I found out when getting my 1 ton dodge up to COF standard.
Jan 3, 3:26pm
VTNZ wof maybe not, Cof certainly should be a problem, but insurance. > WILL use anything possible to get out of a claim
Jan 3, 10:21pm
Try for a COF first. If it goes through, it's legal. If you get pulled up at a later stage you can claim ignorance, unless you have paperwork on the transplant situation. If you can't get the COF, work from there.
Jan 3, 10:48pm
If you are looking at buying a N series, have a very close look at the main chassis rails, they suffer badly from rust between the 2 skins that make up the chassis. that is the only reason that you see so few of them on theroad now, most have put off the road due to this. It is completely uneconomical to fix it as it requires the chassis rails to be removed, separated, sandblasted, painted and reassembled. In other words a complete teardown. Apart from that fairly major problem the Ford N series, or Hino F series (same truck) were a great range of truck.
Jan 4, 1:17am
7-thats pretty stringent having to cof a one ton dodge.saw an isuzu elf with pretty big heavy wheel studs/diff/springs and that was on wof which made me a bit envious as my dyna's much the same size but has lighter running gear and req's cof.doesnt seem right/fair to me
Jan 4, 4:26am
i cant even think of a 4 cyl n (n0915) series,the smallest engine is a eh 500,150hp,6 cyl,so someone may have their wires crossed there.
Jan 4, 6:35pm
No.If it gets through that doesn't mean it's legal, it just means somebody didn't notice it.
Much as if speeding, and not being caught . still not legal.
Jan 5, 3:49pm
Really good information thanks Guys especially about the chassis rails,
Next question it blows out black smoke like a steam train. I think it has the wrong diff as its near the redline at 90 Km/hr. Would this account for the black smoke ,
ieits just in the wrong part of the rev range for cruising and burning excess fuel all the time.
Jan 5, 4:09pm
Worn or clogged injectors or pump Pump timing out Air /fuel filter dirty Leaking pump/ lines
Theres simply too many things to make a diesel black smoke that you MUST start with the easy stuff 1st Anything you do "could" bring out the good or bad Glemlins either way (check the air filter . THEN 1st thing I would probably try is a blimin good dose of injector cleaner.
Jan 5, 4:11pm
If it gets to it's max speed & rev's really easy, then yes, it could probably do with a higher ratio diff or taller tyres. Borrow some taller tyres/wheels & try that
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