Specialist Insurance

kathii, Jan 3, 10:42pm
Does anyone know the best insurance company for specialist or higher priced vehicles, collectors cars etc.
In Australia there is Shannons Insurance, but I can't find the equivalent for New Zealand.
Any suggestions!

chchgurl, Jan 3, 10:45pm
Swan, NAC, Clic for starters

thejazzpianoma, Jan 3, 11:03pm
I would also just try AMI. Can't tell you for high priced stuff but for classic insurance they were a fraction of the price that I was paying through Vero for their supposed special classic car club members insurance.

Worth a try, if nothing else its a comparison for you.

kathii, Jan 3, 11:10pm
Awesome, thank you.I will send off some emails.I can tell this is going to take up a bit of my time!

a.woodrow, Jan 4, 12:51am
What sort of vehicle is it!

kathii, Jan 6, 9:59pm
Just thought that I would update, Clic and NAC weren't really what I was after, looked more to be aimed at young people with bad records, so tried for a quote through Swann, Tower (which my house is with) and Aon.Tower wouldn't help me via email, Swann came in at $577 with $500 excess and Aon at $392 with $280 excess.
Will go through the policys and see the differences, but for full cover, that is a big difference.
Thanks for your help.

esprit, Jan 6, 10:17pm
Try Prestigio insurance if it's an exotic. I've got my Lotus Exige (somewhat rare and modified) under agreed value after independent valuation and they're excellent.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 6, 10:24pm
Why did you not try AMI as suggested!

BTW, I would be VERY hesitant about insuring my house with Tower.

akaniva, Jan 6, 11:24pm
If you join the Vintage Car Club, their policy with Vero is very good, $100 excess, and for example $40k cover for $275 pa. Your car would have to be 20 years old though I think.

jhw2, Jan 7, 12:09am
Agreed!My E Type Jaguar is insured with AMI's classic policy, and unlike most policies it's unlimited mileage.Very reasonable premium too - cheaper than my everyday car

howie69, Jan 15, 11:48pm
My modified mustang is also with AMI and very cheap compared to other options I looked at.