I am needing a power steering/alternator micro groove belt for the above vehicle.does anyone have a book of words that will tell me which one to order.belt blew to bits and vehicle is stuck beyond the 'black stump' so will have to get one sent out. Engine type: EJ22EDAAGE Model: BGBA55R Air conditioner belt is Bando R - A4PK 885
Jan 22, 9:31pm
Any 4PK885 belt will do, try your local Repco or Appco. 885 is the length in MM, so 5mm difference either side will probably fit ok. "4" is the number of ribs and "PK" is the Automotive multi rib standard profile.
Make sure it did not die due to a siezed AC Compressor or idler.
Jan 22, 9:32pm
Actually, if the belt goes to the AC only and nothing else (like alternator or Power Steer pump) then you could drive the car without the belt.
Jan 22, 10:35pm
Ring repco orsupercheap and they will have a book. and tell you the price.
Jan 22, 10:38pm
what repco outlet can i ring that doesn't have muppets answering the phone!
My local repco is very good. I know what I'm talking about when I go in there though. that helps.
Jan 22, 11:14pm
Welcome. appreciate the thanks.
Jan 22, 11:25pm
Are you kidding me! Ask for a 4pk885. You already have the part number. The part numbers provided in the link are the USA numbers are are not used here.
Jan 22, 11:33pm
But it's the alt belt he wants. not the aircon.
Jan 22, 11:56pm
Here you go, from the Aussie gates.5PK875
Same belt for years and it will be the same as the imperial one.
Jan 23, 4:31am
Aha, read slower next time.
Cheers Mech
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