Truck speeds controled by satellites?

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40wav, Feb 5, 2:44am
The problem is that you just come in and say the most inane things like a little goody goody, then when the going gets a bit close to home, you disappear and pop up somewhere else with a silly comment. You offer nothing constructive to any thread and copy others to 'fit in'. I suppose the effort must be noted but really, just take a minute and think about what you're going to write, then think about whether you should.

johnf_456, Feb 5, 2:47am
#25. You are entitled to your opinion but I disagree, I do like the same things as others here but I guess we can't have multiple people in society that think the same right.

puddleduck00, Feb 5, 3:08am
How dare you have freedom of speech. That's as absurd as an employer trusting you enough to not spy on you. Imagine that, you'd have obey the road rules on your own and not out of fear. Just like the old days where people were so untrustworthy the world almost ended.

johnf_456, Feb 5, 3:11am
Unfortunately many over the users have the industry down in many trades so intense supervision is required in some roles.

mrfxit, Feb 5, 1:31pm
LMAO . oh dear .

(space satellite navigation system)

They CAN . if the company & truck systems have it built in.
There ARE gps systems around that can monitor pretty much anything they want to know about with the vehicle it's connected to & CAN shut it down if they want to.
Speed limiting would only be a minor adjustment to the tech & software involved.

As for the likes of Fontera, it's possible that they are looking at doing that & other stuff or even have some of those other options already available but not used.
In general terms tho, the trucks are a combination or OR mechanically & onboard computer (engine management system) speed limited

biddy6, Feb 5, 1:40pm
I can't make any sense of the above.

mrfxit, Feb 5, 2:17pm
Translated =

Unfortunately too many of the drivers have screwed the trucking industry downwards for too long by cheating the manual systems, so intense supervision is now required in some of the bigger firms.
hows that!
Simple logistics (eg: 5 cents loss per hour means little to a small 5 truck firm /.boost that up to a 250 truck firm)

stevo2, Feb 5, 4:07pm
Their trucks are governed by the onboard computer, not via sattelite. The trucks have GPS system in to provide any information such as wereabouts, speed, down time etc but not minute by minute governing

andrewcg53, Feb 5, 5:31pm
They have a speed governor on the engine which are set to 90km and GPS tracking so they know where trucks are , have been and what speed they have been doing and also what load is on the truck.

noswalg, Feb 5, 5:43pm
Not to mention cornering speeds, excessive braking, excessive acceleration, prolonged idling. All of these factors are used to grade the operator at the end of their shift, so basically trending their driving habits. Fonterra loves trending things!

arejaytee1, Feb 5, 8:06pm
noswaig who told u that they use that info to grade the operater at the end of there shift. that is a load of crap. yes they should be but no it not happen. yes a truck and drivers stats can be got out of the computer if required.

twai, Feb 5, 8:53pm
Can't believe that some still answer to posts from "you know who"
Best to ignore and maybe one day he will go away - one lives in hopes

40wav, Feb 5, 9:07pm
Hi All, yeah sorry, that's been me. He's been pissing me off with his snivelling and I've stupidly been having a go. It's quite plain to see however, that there is no use entering a battle of wits with an unarmed person so I shall take the sensible stance of others in here and just ignore it from now on. Cheers.

johnf_456, Feb 5, 9:25pm
Good luck with that twai, im not going anywhere

andrewcg53, Feb 6, 12:33am
But when you see their fuel bill for 1 day you soon see why, little changes in driving habits can save up to 10% in fuel usage and make safer drivers.

chevcamaro, Feb 6, 1:33am
oh my goodness am i feeding the troll, are you stamping your feet again
calm down step away from the screen
have a kit kat
it's too tight to pass wind

maximan, Feb 6, 1:15pm
yes fonterra trucks are speed limited to 90 kph. they have a system fitted called TAMS.this records everything the truck does,idle time, fuel economy, harsh brakeing, harsh cornering. at the end of the month this info is collated and the driver recieves a report and score out of 100. tey also run 3 classes of speed,class 1 over 90,class 2,over 95 ,class 3 over100. they also have the ability to check the speed of a vehicle at any given time down to seconds. any more questions fire away

serf407, Feb 6, 3:44pm
There are a few articles around about the Aussie driverless mining trucks. dumptrucks)

likit, Feb 6, 4:58pm
They do use this info to grade us but,not at the end of a shift but at end of each month.

neo_psy, Feb 6, 7:00pm
Didn't a bloke get sacked for exactly that recently! I seem to recall him taking the company (a waste company, I think) to the ERA for unjustified dismissal, And he lost,

Our company monitors our trucks with GPS - they don't control the speed, but they can see it, so the drivers sometimes get a call on the radio to slow down.

elect70, Feb 6, 8:38pm
Yep got them covered these days . I rememberwhen I worked for Shell, all the tanker driversfromother cos as well,would stopbehind certain pub on SH1& have ajug or3 then pull intothedepotafter5 & claim overtime . The companies knew it butunior uled with iron fist so theyturned a blind eye .Then the went to o/d s&sorted that .Now theyknow how long you had a piss for .

noswalg, Feb 6, 11:56pm
Cheers for clearing that up, I thought the grading was done at the end of your 6 days, are you based at Darfield or Clandeboye!

bigfatmat1, Feb 6, 11:56pm
correct was here in nelson and it was a downers worker.

maximan, Feb 7, 1:46am
the info for the fonterra drivers can be published at the end of every week. our manager puts it in a folder on the smoko room table for all staff to read

granada, Feb 7, 5:12pm
Im installing similar systems into mining vehicles in Oz. The list of things that we can monitor is as endless as your imagination or budget. In general we interface with speedo, tacho, 4WD, seatbelts, parkbrake, headlights, door switches and reverse and beacon. We also fit impact and rollover sensors and emergency switches. Any overspeeding or infringments will send anemailto head office identifying driver , time, gps position and type of offence. It also allows a message to be sent in an emergency with your gps position to allow the quickdispatch of emergency services if you break down or have a heart attack. Our latest gadget monitors your retina and eye movements to prevent distractions and driving while tired.All in the name of safety!