Mazda 6 timing chain

pfemstn, Mar 13, 7:32pm
had a Mazda 6 in for service yesterday at 115000km nz new.timing chain rattling at idle! googled and surprise its becoming a common problem! chains stretching and other associated problems, and very expensive to fix! timing belts suddenly starting to look good!anyone here had problems!

theram1, Mar 13, 7:41pm
At least a chain gives a warning before it goes, unlike a belt.

tazcsv, Mar 13, 8:03pm
Do you have a price to fix!

curlcrown, Mar 13, 10:26pm
We have sold dozens of Mazda 6s old and new models. Most more km than that and up to 220000km and never heard of a cam chain problem.

phillip.weston, Mar 13, 11:41pm
my mums '03 NZ-new Mazda6 GSX hatch now done about 170km is rattle free. Only issues I've noticed is a sticking throttle body and slightly rumbly rear wheel bearings.

mugenb20b, Mar 14, 1:27am
What oil are you using! Is there any sludge under the oil filler cap!

franc123, Mar 14, 2:48am
Me smells a dodgy service history.Never heard of this problem even on Mondeo's which use the same engine but have double the factory recommended oil change interval.

motorboy2011, Mar 14, 3:22am
mine did, it's called the odometer.

electromic, Mar 14, 5:05am
Never had or heard of a problem with the timing chain on the 6 but all the ones I know of use a genuine filter and castrol edge 5w-30 oil changed every six months or 10 000km as a small part of a detailed service schedule.

pfemstn, Mar 14, 1:46pm
car has been regularly serviced castrol edge oil. dealer has had this problem to fix before on others ,tensioners give trouble! chains stretch,inlet cam accuator gives timing chain rattle Mazda 6 and you will see its not uncommon, from $1500 upwards to fix, if accuator damaged add $800

fordcrzy, Mar 15, 3:01am
are you sure its the timing chain!its VERY common for the accessory belt tensioner to lose its tension and you get a weird rattle at idle. same fault as the mondeos but the tensioners are slightly differnt. they are easy easy easy to change whip off the drivers side wheel and plastic gaurd liner. undo 2 or 3 10mm bolts and replace the tensioner.

msj23, Mar 15, 3:30am
What an epic peice of sh*t - those things should give you hundreds of thousands of km's before they even start to rattle. Feel bad for you, that sucks!

xs1100, Mar 15, 1:43pm
chains on mazda 6 s are becoming a huge problem and about 3 weeks ago couldnt get any genuine or aftermarket.its mainly the imports

therafter1, Mar 15, 2:24pm
That's strange, I wonder why !

mm12345, Mar 15, 7:09pm
I get twice as many results if I google "timing chain rattle Mazda Miata".
There's no such thing as a jap import Mazda Miata.The internet is a wonderful thing.

rovercitroen, Mar 16, 8:57am
All the "extra" kms they have done.

zak1998, Mar 16, 1:08pm
Lack of oil changes is why the chain is playing up now

pfemstn, Mar 16, 1:50pm
oil changes regular, car is NZ new,top quality oil[ read again zak]

intrade, Mar 16, 2:24pm
so change the tensioner as the chain wont stretch unless it runns for some time without correct tensioner , and Who changed the oil! maybe some garage that just charges you for servicing and dont actuarly do the phisical work!
normally the problem is lack of oil changes , and they now wantto charge you for fitting new chain when all they will do si fit a newtensioner or what!
i would investigate in to that direction.

zak1998, Mar 16, 2:33pm
Be about $1800 to fit a new chain with labour charges

bjdw, Mar 16, 5:42pm
Are we talking about the 2.0l LF engine!I've been putting 10W30 semi-synthetic in my missus 06 Mazda3.

ceebee2, Mar 17, 1:21am
Fix that one (Sticking throttle)by cleaning the throttle butterfly. I use CRC Brakleen.