HARLEY Batteries, simply are

pnh4, Mar 6, 5:26am
the best, bike was 2nd hand, 7yrs its fine, just shows to go ya.

mokaubach, Mar 6, 10:34am
They must be very good alright to withstand the violent shaking and vibrations.

mrsglaucoma11, Mar 6, 11:56am
Just goes to show you that they arn't made by Harley.

bigfatmat1, Mar 6, 12:09pm
So they should be the price ya pay for a battery for one

hpaul, Mar 6, 12:45pm
They make an electric Harley now!

drog, Mar 6, 5:10pm
Well spotted!

offrd1, Mar 6, 6:46pm
What year did you own a Harley

howie69, Mar 6, 10:49pm
From your comment I doubt you have ridden a Harley, just another smoke blower.

desmodave, Mar 6, 10:53pm
My ride on mower thats from the usa is 7 years old and still on the same battery.

mopeds, Mar 7, 1:12am
A common cause of battery failure is acid stratification. The electrolyte on a stratified battery concentrates on the bottom, causing the upper half of the cell to be acid poor. This effect is similar to a cup of coffee in which the sugar collects on the bottom when the waitress forgets to bring the stirring spoon. Batteries tend to stratify if kept at low charge (below 80%) and never have the opportunity to receive a full charge. Short distance driving while running windshield wiper and electric heaters contributes to this. Acid stratification reduces the overall performance of the battery. Allowing the battery to rest for a few days, applying a "shaking motion" or tipping the unit over tends to correct the problem.

bigfatmat1, Mar 7, 1:33am
a even bigger cause is shit batteries. Imo panasonic make the best car batteries I have replaced many in jap imports that are 12+ years I changed one that was 17 years old a we while ago. the worst i reckon are supercharge.

pnh4, Mar 7, 1:59am
True USA for ya

pnh4, Mar 7, 2:00am
thanks for that information.

bigfatmat1, Mar 7, 3:09am
that info is slightly incorrect running accessories while driving will not contribute as alternators do not work like that these days a salt will typically be designed to follow the ten hour rule and are high output so running accessories has no affect on recharging of a battery acid stratification is caused by low voltage charging a leading cause of calcium battery faults not standard led acid. short distance driving will cause problems especially on hard starting vehicle's. Simply because the battery slowly reducing in charge causing sulphation in the plates

cowlover, Mar 7, 3:10am
I agree.Why is it that the factory battery seams to last much longer than any replacement.Our Kia was buil May 05 and still has its factory (Korean) battery which appears to still be perfect.Having said that of course it will die completely tomorrow. LOL

bigfatmat1, Mar 7, 3:17am
Once a alternator has reached around 14 v at the battery which usually only take a minute or two charging will typically be cut back to ten % of the specified a/h rating usually around the 5-10 amps. Slot of alternator s now days are 110 amps so there is slot of room to run your accessories