De rego bike

falcongirl, Mar 16, 12:09am
wot does it take to get legal again and how much

panicky, Mar 16, 12:15am
has it still got a plate !

falcongirl, Mar 16, 2:00am
stil got plate was last regested in my name 2 years ago so do have ownership papers somewere

whqqsh, Mar 16, 2:11am
I did one a few years ago & was a piece of cake, sign some papers, pay some dosh & a tougher than usual WOF check (which isnt much anyway compared to a car), the guy rivets a VIN tag on & ride out happy

purple666, Mar 16, 2:14am
Having the old plate and paper work makes it easy.

richynuts, Mar 16, 2:29am
If its a lapsed rego it is easy as, you will need a brake check about $70 from local bike shop, bike will need a compliance/wof approx $120, then a min 6 month rego approx $300 depending on cc.The bike will not need another vin or license plate if they arestill on the bike.

attitudedesignz, Mar 16, 2:36am
Only if it's post '91. Also it only needs to be checked by someone "competent", not
necessarily a bike shop.

fryan1962, Mar 16, 3:34am
Cost me $400 they did not have to rivet vin on as bike has one from manufacturer

richynuts, Mar 16, 4:29am
Yep post '91.thats what I told the local VINZ,the guy then told me 'no all bikes' but then gave me the form and said I can do my own brake check if I had a some verniers, which I do. So not sure what's going on about that.A mate of mine had a brake declaration form he filled out himself rejectedfrom a different VINZ !

fryan1962, Mar 16, 10:08pm
I did brake declaration. as well

mantagsi, Mar 16, 10:51pm
Piece of cake if you have the old plate on it. Done it about six months ago, and it is as whqqsh says, pretty much. Go for it!