are these things 2 or 4 stroke! i know that they have the oil tank under the seat !
Mar 19, 3:04am
if they have an oil tank separate from the engine its a big give away. it will be 2 stroke
Mar 19, 3:14am
sweet. thought so.
Mar 19, 5:36pm
fordkiwi--the LT80 is an electric start two stroke. In older ones the oil pump dies but its easy enough to pull the pipe and run them on premix, DO be aware though that they are a REAL quad bike.Being "only" 80cc folks tend to treat themas a kids learner quad.But they have a bit of weight and not bad power.
Mar 19, 11:40pm
sweet. bought one today. goes pretty hard! i think you canadjust throttle on them! missus boy is 10.
Mar 19, 11:49pm
Theres an adjuster screw or at least screw hole on the throttle.With older ones the screw is usually missing.Look on the underside where the thumb lever is and you'll see it. They take ages to go through a tank of Oil but I'd make surre its about 3/4 full -DON'T mix synthetic with mineral two stroke oil or you'll have a jellified mess. Sorry I'f I come across as a safety nazi mon but make sure he wears a lid and at least gumboots to ride.-an LT80 chewing on your ankle is painfull. --ahh sorry dude not meaning to sound like a killjoy -I was/am involved in getting lil kids riding so I've goten to know the stuff to tell em etc.
Mar 20, 4:29am
cool. cheers mate yeah he has got a lid that came with the bike. its a open face thou. might get him a good full face helmet and something that he can wear,boots etc. he will crash it,but i crashed 3 and 4 wheelers when i was young as well.and im not too affected (hahaha)
Mar 20, 4:32am
and a roll cage aye
Mar 20, 6:47pm
nah. they for girls.,.
Mar 20, 10:06pm
In that case at least girls wont have a broken back for the rest of their life. Not something to joke about! these small quads are so easy to roll
Mar 20, 10:40pm
My 3yr old put his lt50 on its side, he learned very quickly why it happened and is now he is a better rider for it. To much cotton wool can have the opposite effect.
Mar 20, 11:10pm
all im saying is that you cant put a kid on it and let them think that it is safe no mater how fast they go and where they go its obviously impractical to put a roll bar on such a small bike but having that attitude that a roll bar is for girls is not a good attitude to have. you tell that to the kid and he will think he is invincible.
Mar 20, 11:26pm
Wrap them in enough cotton wool, and there is zero concequences to going too fast, and he will think he is even more invincible, because he can do anything he wants and never get hurt.
Limit the throttle, and let them crash into stuff. When they work out the faster theygo, the more it hurts when they arse off, kids become self limiting very quickly, and they learn skills that they will take right through life with them.
Mar 20, 11:57pm
Im not saying to do that. Im just pointing out that it seems to me that the OP is not going to point out to the kid about safe handling. he seems to have a she'll be right attitude. All im saying is to make it well known to the kid what will happen if he turns sharp while going at a high speed etc. not wrap in cotton wool but just educate him.
Mar 21, 12:33am
Its fordkiwi. Apply your sense of humour when reading his post. Dont get too bent out of shape just because he said rollcages are for girls. It would have been typed with tongue in cheek.
Mar 21, 1:56am
if a kid is going to ride a bike they are going to get hurt full 2 sons now 5 and 10 both learnt on a lt 80 at the age of 4 yrs old,rules are to always have open face helmet and gumboots on,yes they have had misshaps and 'NO' they didnt learn to slow down infact they are more cocky and have learnt to ride really well for their age.they are not easey to roll either unless on a hill or corning fast even ive tried to roll it and im 90kg.they are a awsome bike for kids or 6 yrs ive had ours ive only had to replace the starter motor and the bike gets a hard im only saying this from my experince not others
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