BMW Z3 2001

rumchippy, Mar 19, 1:26pm
What mechanically and other faults should we be looking for when looking to buy

fiatracer, Mar 19, 1:39pm
BMW concerns well documented in this forum - cooling system needs special care - unless there's proof of it being done, budget 6-800 for new water pump, thermostat, hoses, even a radiator as preventative work [nothing is expensive if you go to the right place].

haventrader, Mar 19, 6:48pm
Which motor is in it! Huge difference between 1.9l and 3.0l, and everything else in between. Check the electrical system, although not always common, when the electrics start playing up it becomes a pain in the a$#! Obviously check for leaks. A good service history is always valuable. Suggest you take it to a BMW repair specialist (NOT to AA, or even to BMW themselves unless you have $$$), and ask them to do a once over and their recommendations for trouble free motoring.

fordcrzy, Mar 19, 10:50pm
the biggest fault with the Z3 is that it isnt an mx5. test drive a 2 liter z3 versus the 1800 6 speed mx5 and youll buy the mx everytime

duke250, Mar 23, 5:48am
Make sure its a 5speed.

Ps MX5 is a chicks car.

fiatracer, Mar 23, 9:24pm
But a z3 2.8 is another story, and yes I've owned (and trackdayed) both