Hi wondering if anyone can help me the lock lights keep flashing even when car is unlock, when I have got the key in the ignition it comes up on screen the lock icon press sel. Not sure where that is. The flashing light turns off when I start the car up. Also my Park (P) light is still on too when locked up, scared I'm going to get a flat battery.Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Sep 2, 7:32pm
Have you just purchased this car recently ? and do you mean the light in the centre console showing the gear lever is in P for park ?
Sep 2, 8:09pm
No I'm looking after it and unable to contact owner and yes the P for park on console.
Sep 2, 11:26pm
I dont think you will have a problem. My wifes car does the same and while i dont know how long the light stays on i do know it is a while. We have never had a flat battery as a result.
Sep 3, 12:38am
The transmission light stays on for about 20 min after turning the car off, don't no why but it does. The lock light you mentioned isn't the immobliser is it?
Sep 3, 12:54am
try disconnecting the battery for a minute then hook it back up,mite reset everything.
Sep 4, 7:09pm
Thankyou everyone for taking time out and answering my questions, you have been a great help. And yes the light has done off after 20mins. Lol Just got to get the flashing light sorted, will try the reset advise. Thanks.
Sep 4, 7:30pm
Just out of interest yogibearz, does your wife's car dash board lock light still flash when car is unlocked?
Sep 4, 9:57pm
Do you mean the red security light ? Pass i will try and have a look tonight .
Sep 5, 1:41am
just checked ours, the flashing light is normal its the immobliser
Sep 5, 1:57am
Ya just gotta turn the key off, and that red light will start flashing.
"Well that's how it happens in the US of A version, guy"
Sep 5, 3:45pm
quiet correct its how it works.
Sep 6, 2:04am
Thanks everyone. You're all awesome. Just one other thing, I noticed when my son set the alarm it made a small beep horn noise, But it isn't doing it for me. what am I doing wrong lol, Haha I'm such a girl. Plus another thought was if the alarm was set and the battery in the remote went flat would the car alarm go off if I used the key to open the door? Sorry my son is out of range for a while and unable to answer any of these.
Sep 6, 4:03am
Just leave it if its not your car, sheesh. (Yes I'll look after your car, fiddle with all the buttons and hand it back to you worse off electronically than when you left it) hehehehe
Sep 6, 4:15am
I'm going to be looking after it for a while, and no I will not be fiddling with all the buttons, my own car doesn't have an alarm system, so just getting some good advice from those who know about this car. This is what this page is for.
Sep 6, 10:03pm
if you hit the lock button twice the horn goes
Jul 22, 8:06pm
Thankyou h.e
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