Anyone tinted a Valiant VG Sedan Rear window.

jason18, Jun 26, 2:02am
! The guys tinting mine had trouble doing it today. They made a superb job on the side windows but said the back window might not be able to be done. Anyone know a tinter that has done them! Hopefully in hamilton.

grangies, Jun 26, 2:13am
Could they do it in two pieces!

A good person with a steady hand should be able to get it pretty precise.

Of course you will notice the join upon close inspection, but not the average passer-by.

jason18, Jun 26, 2:19am
Oh Im not worried about joins as it looks like a prick of a window. He reckoned he tried it but they really were running out of light so he did say bring it back next saturday for another go. Hopefully they can do it.

grangies, Jun 26, 2:22am
Running out of light!

jason18, Jun 26, 2:45am
Oh they are in a make shift workshop in hamilton as they are based in auckland and they didnt start tinting until 4.30pm tonight. Very cloudy and rainy

jason18, Jun 26, 2:46am
The work shop has 1 light lol

jason18, Jul 28, 12:52pm
Haha yeah it was terrible light aye