96 Rav4, park break warning light

neell, Dec 2, 2:08am
comes on under moderate to heavy braking. Noticed it a few nights ago but not noticed during the day so I guessed that was because it was more visible at night.
Today I turned the lights on an bingo it came on.
Any auto sparkies out thee got any suggestions as to how lights on would make this happen. All I can think of is broken light filament touching something and back feeding - but where to? New tail light bulbs coming up in an attempt to locate problem.
Edit to correct "brake" but cant edit title - bugger

berg, Dec 2, 2:11am
Check the fluid level in the brake fluid resivour

neell, Dec 2, 2:16am
Done that, all good.

berg, Dec 2, 2:24am
Interesting one for sure. Give the float in the resivour a poke and a prod just in case its the switch in there. Has it got a towbar?

neell, Dec 2, 2:28am
Yes to the towbar, recently fitted as well.

skin1235, Dec 2, 2:35am
just for the hell of it, disconnect the new trailer loom where it joins the rear loom, its as simple as open the blue splice joints and remove the new wire, note where they can from, cos if this doesn't cure the issue ( and I bet it will ) you'll want to refit them

and if it does cure the issue, take it to a REAL sparky and ask him to wire it up correctly

berg, Dec 2, 2:38am
Thats what I was picking. Or a crossover of wires inside the trailer plug

neell, Dec 2, 2:45am
Thanks, will give me something more to do tomorrow.

skin1235, Dec 2, 2:47am
crossover will only manifest itself if the/a trailer is plugged in

skin1235, Dec 2, 2:51am
actually, it shouldn't resolve the issue ( my suggestion above), unless two wires have been included in the one splice - and one of them should not have been, bergs note creates the logical fix, in the trailer base plug - open that and double check for any stray strands of wires touching an adjoining connector,,

theres a good reason why it is suggested you solder the ends of those wires

berg, Dec 2, 12:47pm
Thats what I was meaning. Have seen strands of wire cross over to another terminal throwing all sorts of strange faults. I agree with you, anything wiring should at least have the cut and bared back ends soldered

bigfatmat1, Dec 2, 1:20pm
What's a park brake symbol on dash got to do with rear lights. There is no connection. Or are we talking about brake light failure warning light. Two completely different things.

neell, Dec 2, 2:22pm
It's the light that comes on when the park brake is on. I have no idea how/why that would be effected by braking and only when the lights are on but then again I have seen some weird things happen with electrical systems with cross and back feeding.

bigfatmat1, Dec 2, 5:49pm
Well it will have nothing to do with trailer wiring that would be a wasted exercise. It's either low brakefluid or faulty float switch. Or the handbrake switch at base of handbrake or the wire to the switch is down to ground

phillip.weston, Dec 2, 10:18pm
My '98 RAV has only just started doing the same too - usually under heavy acceleration (in a RAV. lol) or braking. I haven't even had a look yet but I bet it's low fluid in the brake master or faulty float switch.

berg, Aug 4, 1:11pm
Funnily enough, the first 2 things I suggested