Reconditioned batteries

rpvr, Oct 13, 3:57am
Had three reconditioned batteries in cars and they seem good value, $50 with a six month warranty. One I bought three years ago for my Avenir has only just needed replacing. I'm just curious as to the reconditioning process and what it entails. Anyone tried to do it at home?

intrade, Oct 13, 4:02am
na only thing you can do at home is desulfate a battery most good modern electronic charger have a refresh programm button that be the desulfating part.

franc123, Oct 13, 4:15am
That's not bad going I'd have thought for the outlay, eco friendly too. For a cheap old tech runaround car at least, problem is that this reco process means that life expectancy is probably a bit of a lottery.

gpg58, Oct 13, 4:39am
Looking for a home remedy? there's plenty of these style on utube, no idea if they actually do work, but i would not try it for a late model car, due to low voltage causing all sorts of issues. and

gpg58, Oct 13, 4:56am
Or if you have an old type battery charger, you may want to try this.

kazbanz, Oct 13, 2:03pm
rpvr- reconditions ammounts to desulfation and a really grunty charge up by a decent industrial charger.
We tried using them as a cost effective alternative to new batteries and friankly they cost us a lot more than they saved.
IMO you got lucky

rpvr, Oct 13, 5:15pm
Probably did just get lucky, but I replaced it with another one, so time will tell. I remember you used to be able to buy a small bottle of some chemical mixture to put in a battery to help revive it. Quite a few years ago now - a company called Auckland Motors in Takapuna used to sell it. I think they were Austin agents. I wonder if the Auckland Motors who are currently Mitsubishi agents are part of the same old company?

franc123, Oct 13, 6:44pm
Inox fluid, SCA used to sell it and maybe still do, haven't looked lately.

rpvr, Oct 13, 8:47pm
Thanks, couldn't think of the name.

mrfxit, Oct 13, 10:00pm
So all this time, battery manufactures could have been saving themselves a lot of cash & saving the planet by using baking soda in stead of acid

rpvr, Oct 13, 10:23pm
I've heard of using either baking soda or epsom salts to desulphate a battery, using a solution of either and putting it through a charging cycle, but surely you would then have to wash it out and refill with fresh acid, then charge again? I just looked in the reconditioned battery I have just bought, and it looks sparkling clean inside, the acid is perfectly clear, not cloudy as it tends to be in an older battery.

marte, Oct 14, 4:47am
I think INOX is Sodium metabisulphate. I'm not 100% sure, theres different spellings for it and it might be the same chemical but its been heated to drive off water and that changes what they call it.

Its also used in 'HomeBrew' alcohol kits.

Its also used to precipitate Gold from a acid solution, so I expect its doing the same to the car batterys. Precipitating dissolved metals.

I'm wondering if the precipitated gunk can short out the plates.?

But, INOX may have changed its chemical as I thought it had something to do with Cadnium.

At the same time, I read decades ago that if you put a 'cold and flu tablet', the sort you cannot buy now, into each battery cell. It made it work and last a lot longer.

With precipitating dissolved metals out of solution.
I would have thought that the acid would need poured out and filtered and the cell cleaned and the acid put back in.
Or cell cleaned and new acid.
Or cell cleaned, acid cleaned using electricity and put back into cell.

marte, Oct 14, 4:50am
I have 3 'sorta good' car batterys at home just sitting there. Ones a truck battery.
The other two work but did go flat once and it was easyer to buy a brand new one after going thru 'flat battery' twice in a row.

aj.2., Feb 10, 8:24pm
Depends on what has happened to the battery .
If overcharged the plates buckle, then twist and touch each other shorting out , so not able to give full power.
Also the compound on the plates break down , so changing the acid does not cure the problems.