How to break a windscreen

vic008, Feb 17, 3:34am
In an emergency? What would be the options?What could you use?

tony461, Feb 17, 3:38am
If no other options, tyre jack or wheel brace.

trogedon, Feb 17, 3:45am
Open the door and get out. or is that too easy?!

skin1235, Jun 13, 5:42am
the old rubber wedge ones just pushed out, put your feet against it and push hard
the new ones ( showing my age here cos the vulcanised method came out back in the mid 70's ) are a little tougher, can be pushed out, but need to start close to a corner and keep pushing until they shatter
most people do not carry a jack or a lever in their car, and in most instances when you need to remove a window there isn't the time to dive over the back and start ripping into the tool storage
Recently saw small hammers with a torch in the handle sold as escape hammers, store in glovebox, claimed to be useful for just this purpose

side windows are a lot easier, one foot hard in the top opposite the hinge end and they disappear